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Any non-woke Horror movie this year that you can rec?

Horror genre seems to have completely converged into wokeness. Do you know about some decent non-woke recent horror movie for this Halloween?


Demon Slayer


I already saw it. It's OK, but I wouldn't call it horror, though.

By the way, there's an extended cut. It's being released as a miniseries of 7 episodes, starting Oct 10th (3 weeks ago).


So tired of people bringing up that 'woke' word as though it means something other than progressive.


"Woke" is the new "ssssssocialism". Do one-word criticisms really sway anyone? Well, okay, let me rephrase that, do one-word criticisms really sway thinking people?


death trip


i would also like to drop in here that i am in the middle of reading john mcwhorter's new book 'woke racism' and i think it's typically brilliant.

"To transform the experience of those trapped under the weight of the effects of institutional racism, is it necessary that when:

the San Francisco Modern Museum of Modern Art was criticized for being insufficiently committed to non-white artists, and the president of the museum Gary Garrels concurred but added that the museum would not stop collecting white artists entirely because this would constitute “reverse discrimination,” he was fired? His use of that term was pivotal in him losing his job, in implying that non-whites, as people deprived of power, can be racist. I actually happened to encounter Garrels a bit in the mid-1990s, and know that he is a spirited and somewhat Dionysian soul who can be a tad unfiltered at times. But in the 1990s, what he said in 2020 would never have left him unemployed.

The Garrels episode bears a bit of further examination. He was fired for using a term. Meanwhile, less than a mile’s walk away, in the Tenderloin of San Francisco, there cluster legions of people who can’t afford housing and live their lives in makeshift tents on the street. If censuring Garrels for his lexicon has any connection to the “structures” keeping people on the streets, it’s rather brutally indirect.

Yet the Elect who defenestrated Garrels speak of dismantling “structures.” Structure is a Latinate word, with the crisp snap of the “ksh” in the middle. It sounds authoritative, especially preceded by a dramatic word like “dismantle.” Too, hegemony, another word favored by the Elect, is intimidating in its way because it’s so easy to mispronounce. Deep down you might want to pronounce it “HEDGE-a-moh-nee,” and so mastering how to really say it, and even to hear it said properly, lends a certain sense of weight.

But these are aesthetic matters. Behind these big words and menacing phrases, as often as not, is logic as sloppy as anything you might hear from a spokesperson for Donald Trump. Firing Garrels “functioned” -- as these people like to use that word -- not to “dismantle structures,” which stayed in place in the Tenderloin a walk from the museum. Garrels’ firing “functioned” as it were to make his inquisitors feel noble, and look noble to one another. They were doing their duty as religious parishioners displaying their faith, not forging societal change."


McWhorter and Glenn Loury are two of the smartest fellows when it comes to these kinds of discussions. They are both consistently thoughtful. Not surprisingly, con artists like Robin DiAngelo never seem to debate them. Wonder why?

It's easy for elites to fire a museum director or support the removal of centuries old statues and then say--Look what we did! It's much harder for those same elites to actually volunteer in youth centers in impoverished neighborhoods or use their own money to provide better educational opportunities for less fortunate kids.


loury and mcwhorter's podcast is absolutely one of my favourite listens. truly great. a voice of reason, one that convinces me that maybe i haven't completely lost my mind, lol.


i'm one of those folks that finds the wokeness, mainly in the form of brutish macho women bossing everyone around, somewhat grating.

but that doesn't mean i find the underlying inequities and systematic biases, mainly in terms of the allocation of wealth, early child care, education, youth care & training, housing & opportunity - anything but appalling, chronic, inter-generational, and fundamentally unjust.

which kind of puts me in the middle - culturally i pine for a simpler less politically-freighted brand of story-telling, while i must acknowledge the steam behind the engine of social change.

make of that bit of verbal bilge what you will. blacks particularly, or anyone else, whowant to disavow the problems don't excite my interest or admiration.


And your movie recommendation is?


the hunger - david bowie & catherine deneuve


The skeleton key
Session 9

Or do you mean a new film ? Sorry, I think i misunderstood your question.


Get Out


so you mean pretty much any horror films without females or minorities?
