On the news today they discussed how certain CHURCHES now issue DOCUMENTS to people who DONATE MONEY to them, so that person can then claim to have a RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION that keeps them from getting vaccinated at their place of employment where the process is MANDATED as a way to remain employed.
In other words, thanks to the internet, ANTI VAXXERS are finding SNEEKY ways to remain UNVACCINATED:
The number of vaccination refusals based on religious exemption is increasing. The question is whether religious freedom is a threat to public health, in this case to the vaccination system (45).
There are many publications regarding the religious exception of vaccination (6,14,15) based on the rights of religious freedom. Most of these publications refer to religious exemption for immunization.
Correct me if I'm wrong... but for a religious exemption to hold up in court, doesn't someone have to prove that the argument in question is indeed a tenet of the religion?
Because while someone from a batshit cult like Christian Science might be able to prove that their religion had indeed forbidden modern medicine for over a century and that includes vaccines, someone from a typical "Christian" church cannot. Christianity doesn't forbid the practice of modern medicine, never has, it's just inflicted with a few ministers who are stupid enough to fall for propaganda and conspiracy theories.
What I recall is the mention of 2 states (maybe KENTUCKY and TX) where Evangelical Churches were willing to distribute the Documents. And they also mentioned CA, but refused to name any of those places (due to the way that would only encourage others to try and get them who shouldn't have them).
Since they also said places on the internet were promoting these Churches, perhaps someone could also do a search and find out more that way???
I also recall something being mentioned about the law that said something about it would need to be a LEGIT claim or something (which might also mean someone would need to PROVE the EXCUSE was already a tenet of the CHURCH prior to the Pandemic)???
Because if a CHURCH decides to have this position AFTER the COVID crisis, that definitely also seems to indicate there's a CORRELATION between their ATTITUDE with taking an ANTI VAX position.
So maybe the way to deal with this is simply to refuse to accept any DOCUMENT from a CHURCH that has recently taken that kind of a position???
I don't know enough about the law to say, but how can a judge call this a genuine "religious exemption", if the church has never objected to flu shots?
Seriously, I hope that someone who knows a bit about the law will come along, but what are the odds on this forum.
Great point about the FLU SHOTS not having a religious exemption !!
You should have been an attorney OTTER !!!
And Yeah, it's almost as if a religious organization (which has NO DEGREE in MEDICINE) is guilty of MAL PRACTICE or giving BAD MEDICAL advice (which we also know people can be SUED for if they PRETEND as if they have a MEDICAL DEGREE when they don't and are giving DEADLY MEDICAL ADVICE to other people).
So if someone's relatives would die, you'd also think someone could SUE the CHURCH for having issued a DOCUMENT that allows someone to remain UNVACCINATED where they work (even though the employer is also required by LAW to have EVERY employee who works for them VACCINATED.
If it is, what - in a nation that pretends itself to have been founded on religious freedom and somewhat prides itself on this myth - would you like to see done about it?
I say that if it's illegal for me and my friends to build a *proper* Wicker Man, then it should be illegal for mainstream churches to sacrifice their followers to pandemics.
It is really sad that some churches don't see that taking your vaccine is a civic duty.
It is like they don't care that we're in the middle of a pandemic!
Yes it BOGGLES one's mind that we're in the middle of a MAJOR HEALTH CRISIS and they issue DOCUMENTS that not only make it WORSE, but could also cause those who've been VACCINATED to end up without a VACCINE that can protect them anymore, once the BODIES of the UNVACCINATED create even worse MUTANT STRAINS of the VIRUS that the VACCINE won't be able to protect us from.
So it's also as if those who issue DOCUMENTS that say someone doesn't need to get VACCINATED are on the SIDE of the DEVIL (if one would also consider that's who's responsible now for the PANDEMIC we're dealing with).
So then it's also like they're on the side of and WORKING for the ENEMY that it's suppose to be their function to protect people from.