MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What are some films that you enjoyed WAY...

What are some films that you enjoyed WAY more than you thought you would?

Like you went in with low expectations or you didn't even know what to expect. Here are a few of mine;

1. Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) - Yeah, I never cared for Cap. But this film just elevated his character for me. Still my favorite film in the entire MCU.

2. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) - Another Superhero flick. Never read any of their comics. I had no idea what to expect from it. It absolutely blew me away.

3. Sicario (2015) - Saw some previews for it & I thought it looked pretty meh. Couldn't tell what the hype was all about. Watched it, then I found out. It deserves all the hype & praise. Absolutely fantastic film

4. Jackie Brown (1997) - This is probably the only time I went into a Tarantino film without knowing much about the film. The end results was just wow. Enjoyed it waaay more than I thought I would. It's my second favorite film of his. After Pulp Fiction.

5. Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (2011) - I never cared about the Mission Impossible franchise THAT much before this one. I could take it or leave it. Then this came along & just blew me away. It's still my favorite one in the franchise

6. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) - Another one I didn't know anything about. Had an absolute blast with this one!

7. Memento (2001) - I somehow never heard of this movie. And then I just caught it on tv one day. Still my absolute favorite Nolan film

8. Hot Fuzz (2007) - This was my introduction to Edgar Wright & Simon Pegg. The promo I saw for it made it look so dumb but the film was absolutely brilliant.


End of Watch (2012)


This one was really good

Seeing the cast I figured 'what the hell'

Very good cop flick👍



Same here with Crank! It's legit one of the most fun films that I've ever watched. What an adrenaline rush of a ride.

The sequel is pretty solid but that first one was just fantastic. Did not expect it to be that entertaining. Such a blast.


smiley face - anna faris stoner comedy.

the surprising because, after i watched it, i found out it was directed by gregg araki. his 1995 film doom generation is somewhere in my top 10 least favourite film experiences, and i always assumed that i would hate everything he touched.

wrong! smiley face is a blast.

& to be fair, he also made mysterious skin, which is a legitimately great movie in my books.


Smiley Face was great. Need to rewatch soon.


I'll just say that I have HBO for 1 month, I'm trying to watch as much as I can......
Daphne & Velma (2018) I liked it with my coffee on Saturday morning.


Blue Ruin, Arkansas and Bad Day For The Cut all turned out to be pretty fine thrillers with a good dose of black humor despite not having a ton of publicity


tcrums trailer review

Blue Ruin 4/10
Arkansas 4/10
Bad day for the Cut 7/10 This looked amazing but I would never watch it to dark.

So I'm guessing we won't be getting together to watch The Neverending Story:)


Uncle John (2015)


Quite good!
They should make more of these low-key thrillers


Jackie Brown was pretty much perfect, it was Tarantino 'on a leash' and is one of his best...what a cast too!

Hot Fuzz was great fun, Frost and Pegg should be working on another ridiculous misadventure script right now, those two are GREAT together


Most recently, Northfork (2003).

I went in with very low expectations, to be honest, and for the first 30 minutes or so, I wasn't really impressed... but then it suddenly veered into something so very Neil Gaiman, I was amazed the man himself had nothing to do with it; at that point, I was hooked.
