I think Treasure has SOME... 'Peep-oh, Peach blow, Pandora, Pompadour'... Whether they mean anything or are just being used as sounds is a different matter. But she definitely experimented somewhere in the middle of the 80s with being unintelligble. And I think largely because, as you say, she was insecure about being analysed.
There's one in a kind of cod-Latin too, where the rumour is she's just listing the scientific names of butterfly species. Or something along those lines.
Blue Bell Knoll? Can't make out anything at all on that one, as I recall. Haven't listened in a long while though.
And you probably don't remember it well because it's sort of a dry-run for the far superior Heaven or Las Vegas. Cocteaus Go Pop (Sort Of). Has some good stuff on it - Carolyn's Fingers is a standout - but is largely overshadowed by Heaven or Las Vegas, which as we all know is a completely perfect album in every detail. I will stand for no debate on this matter!
But, yeah, I love all three of the bands you mentioned in your first post. Happily, I've never looked up the MBV lyrics on the internet - because, with the Cocteaus the words feel cryptic, but with My Bloody Valentine they just sound... unimportant.