

I'm content with now


It's because of me, isn't it?




i'm sticking right here. nirvana is not for this world, but i think it's better now than it's ever been.


Always thought I'd prefer to go forwards rather than backwards. The past in a known quantity. The future is an adventure. Of course, you could get there and find it's a Mad Max wasteland, but that's the risk factor.

Also, for all its self-evident faults, right about now is probably the best time in human history for the most amount of people. Who wants to go back to medieval Europe and be burned as a heretic? Not me, that's for damn sure.

I mean, if you're twisting my arm then the 1960s. But you said 'stay there forever' rather than visit, so I suspect I'm better off where I am right now.




That year was a real party🕺


"For me it would EASILY be 2004-2008."

I agree with your assessment of that period. It was around 2010 when all this technology reached the point to where it started becoming detrimental. Social media has caused society to become fragmented. People are voluntarily dumbing themselves down and are becoming lazy due to addiction to and over-reliance on cell phones. That's why I call these devices stupidphones, because they certainly don't make users "smarter." The opposite seems to be the case. Some of them can't perform simple tasks without implementing some silly "phone app."

I wonder what would happen if a solar flare or some other phenomenon ever knocked out the satellites. The phone zombies wouldn't be able to function without their toys. It would be pandemonium.


i'm more or less with you on the social media comments, though i'm not willing to make a blanket condemnation of it - it's sometimes good! if i didn't think so, i wouldn't be here. and even twitter, as much of a cesspool as it can be sometimes, has given me lots and lots of great interactions with people i know and like and respect. that couldn't have happened pre-twitter, and i would hate to lose that.

and i sharply part ways with you on smartphones. i think they're an incredible blessing, endlessly useful, and i absolutely would never want to go back to a pre-smartphone world.


I guess this is one of those "agree to disagree" situations.

I was in a restaurant where you fill your own drinks and was backing away from the dispenser when some guy ran into me because he couldn't divert his eyes from the stupidphone for even a couple of seconds. He never apologized nor made eye contact, he just quickened his pace toward the exit before I could react.

I consider phones of any kind to be intrusive and disruptive. The newer technology has also made invasion of privacy easier to attain.


fair enough. i'm certainly not here for a fight over phones, lol.

i just wanted to put in a bit of a voice for what i think is their incredible utility.

i often think of all the pieces of plastic and vinyl i used to have cluttering my life that i now get by having electrons beamed to my phone, all the things i once had plugged in that have collapsed into that phone. i can't think of that as anything but a massive improvement.


Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together...Mass hysteria


And everyone thought TV aka: the boob tube would make everyone stupid. Instead, computers and "smartphones" have dumbed-down society. I notice many younger workers have a problem with socialization. And people in general believe the stupidest things just because they read it on social media.

If I had to go back in time, it would be when tech stocks like Apple and Microsoft were dirt cheap. I'd load-up on them and take my hundreds of billions to purchase a private island.


People have become more indolent, too. "Shopping" now means lying on the couch with ones nose buried in the stupidphone and clicking links, then expecting the merchandise to show up on the doorstep yesterday. Instant gratification without exerting any effort. Go to a store and have to get out of the car and walk!? Oh, the horror!




I would say just before 9/11, before Bush was president, when there was relative peace and prosperity, when the biggest problem was Clinton receiving fellatio in the White House. Most of all, it was back when liberals still had some common sense, when they championed the end of big government and supported building a wall and recognized black people were (and still are) committing most of the violent crimes in America and it needed to be addressed.


Keep politics in the Politics Section.


I answered the question posed and why. The way liberals act is a huge reason this country is such a mess today. That is more than just politics.


Jan. 6th belongs to your cult.


I'll take that. Much better than the hundreds of riots and looting by the filthy left. They attack the White House and injured over 60 Secret Service agents? No big deal. Set fire to a church? No big deal. Lock in people at a federal building and set it on fire? No big deal. But don't you DARE defy the Pelosi! And did you know AOC was huddled in a closet praying for rescue? Poor poor thing. That is a very big deal! Did you know a black cop shot and killed an unarmed small white woman? No big deal. But a white cop kills St. George of Floyd and that is a a very big deal! And funny how no one is actually being charged with insurrection. Liberals have now let in thousands of Afghans who are not vetted at all, no vaccines, in addition to the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens, no vaccines, but Americans must wear masks or face being fined, imprisoned or worse!


Keep politics in the Politics Section.


Then stop replying to posts you find political with your own political opinions. Does an adult really need to be told this?


I like your biased way of attacking me for one short reply after TWO politicized attacks. But, you completely ignore now four politicized attacks including an extremely long diatribe from the other poster.

I'll assume you're a biased QAnoner or Trumpite.


As ASSumption indeed. I know, everyone who doesn't goose step to the same drum as you is automagically the other end of your partisan political spectrum? Grow up.

No, the reality is that you're being a hypocrite. You don't get to poke at someone else while telling other people to stop poking back. Again, this is something an adult shouldn't have to have explained to them.


I answered the question posed and why. A big reason I chose that time is because liberals were not insane. Like they clearly are today. Don't blame me for your defense of insane liberals.


Keep politics in the Politics Section, cultist.


1946-1966 (In the USA)

I pick this 20-year period because it's a booming good time, I think. Post-WWII America. I stop at 1966 because starting in 1967 we see the beginnings of unrest, rise in drug use, the Vietnam War, etc. To me, 1966 was the last year of a kind of innocence. All periods have their downsides, nothing is utopia. I get that.


I've heard similar assessments of that time period, the only difference being the end date. A lot of people are of the opinion that the end of the innocence came in 1963 with the JFK assassination.


That is certainly one of the things I was referring to when I mentioned downsides. It is also hard to appreciate today how scared people were during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

But I wouldn't want to miss Beatlemania :)

1966 marks the end of another kind of innocence IMO--the subsequent rise of the counterculture which I will place in 1967.


Hippies. Jesus Freaks. Peaceniks. Bell bottoms. Peace symbols. Micro-minis. Looooooooooong hair.

The good old days!


As a Grateful Dead fan, yah, it sounds great to be there in the late 60s. But I think even they got fed up with the runaway kids, the drug overdoses, the homelessness (which must have been relatively tame compared to today), and harassment by law enforcement, and by 1968 had moved out of San Francisco to Marin County.

IIRC Phil Lesh (bassist) said that 1966 was the real summer of love. The famous 1967 one, the San Francisco area was swamped with out-of-towners.
