MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Movie about guy who can’t leave a town

Movie about guy who can’t leave a town

Hey, this may have been asked a lot, but I still can’t find it. I once watched a movie where this guy stumbles upon a small town, goes into the town for directions or sth and finds everyone there is some level of weird and something strange is going on. He then tries to leave the town, drives through the road he came in through, but always ends up at the beginning of the road again - like he can’t leave, something supernatural is stopping him. It’s not Population 436, not Black River. Anyone have any idea? Thanks!


What year? decade?

maybe Dead End (I) (2003)?


Don’t think so, the synopsis says they pick up a hitchhiker and don’t think that happened in this movie I saw. It was just one guy or a couple, not a family, trying to leave the town. Decade - my guess is the 90s or 00s, definitely not a recent movie. Thanks heaps!


In Fear 2013?

and you need to look at photos or watch trailer to be sure.


Nope not In Fear, the movie I’m thinking of is older. Watched the trailer and read the plot. Thanks so much for your suggestions.


That happens in John Carpenter's In the Mouth of Madness (1994). Sam Neill is the guy.


Omg this might just be it. The synopsis sounds like the movie I’m thinking of and the era/look of the movie is similar too. Though I don’t recall the movie having that many supernatural elements I saw in the trailer. Will watch it and hope it’s the one! Thanks!


No worries - hope it's the one you're after!


Not movies but it kinda sounds like tv shows Eureka or Haven.


I’m 99% sure it was a movie. It was on a local TV channel’s movie night and I just happened to watch it
