MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Are we, as human beings, special?

Are we, as human beings, special?

Or are we mostly just incredibly routine at best and not in any way sophisticated geniuses for the most part or are extraordinarily beautiful and must therefore be worshipped and respected like God?


Well I guess if we're all special then it follows we all must have special needs.


Judging by a lot of interactions I see here and there, people in general do NOT feel that human beings are, including those in their own circle, special and holy and worth worshipping like Jesus Christ, God, Holy Mother of God, Mary etc or anything SACRED.

P.S. This may be irrelevant but... I once online saw, in a Russian forum, people talking about a sexual act called c***il*ng*s, and I was a little, well, SOMEWHAT put off by the attitudes they displayed and instead of talking about it like its a nice and special act etc they somewhat cheapened it by talking about "smelly this and that" and oh well...

It made me THINK about not just sex and sexuality but also HUMAN BEINGS, that is, apart from very OBVIOUS cases where people in general disrespect others, and this happens a lot, well... They rarely treat themselves like holy beings. I also wondered if sex could be it and in a POSITIVE way including that aforementioned act. Not to mention, when we see it in the movie ala softcore erotica, it all feels nice and wholesome and also SUBTLE, without even ONLINE conversations about hygiene and stuff, let alone spoken to somewhat not nicely etc.

P.P.S. Does any NATIONALITY think of themselves as sacred or holy? Swedes? Australians? Americans etc?


" We are all of us in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. " - That oh so precious and insufferable fag Oscar Wilde.


"People they come together. People they fall apart. No one can stop us now' Cause we are all made of stars" - Moby - "We Are All Made of Stars" - song. (And God, I can't believe that tune is now, or will very soon be, 20 years old!)


Pet Shop Boys also had a song that had "lying in the gutter" and "stars" in its lyrics - "Excited", on their 1995 album release "Alternative", which I own on a double CD.


We should be respected, but definitely NOT worshiped. However, we are VERY special. We are "The beauty of the world", "The paragon of animals."



Remember the scene in Alejandro Jodorowsky's masterpiece "Santa Sangre" (1989) ("Holy Blood") where those women go crazy and worship "Holy blood, holy blood", is that type of worshipping good?

What about women especially the pretty ones, can we worship them? Or just worship some aspects of our humanity?


I did not see that film. Meanwhile, no human being, or any aspect of a human being, should to be worshiped.



People worship Gods and Jesus Christ, why not a human being?


Plenty of Germans worshipped Adolf Hitler.


Did they think he was a SAINT?


They thought he was their Saviour, and they knew he could PAINT.


They did not worship Hitler, they were afraid of him. You would've been too.






you couldn't possibly be stupider if you tried.


You are an idiot, or a sock puppet. Probably both.


Completely idiotic.


we're certainly not 'incredibly routine'. there's nothing like us, for sure, on the planet, most likely in the near environs of the galaxy. although my belief is that our planetary situation, the ensuing biosphere, is the engine for us, and had it not been us, it would have eventually been some other species like us in terms of creativity/intelligence/productivity, likely greed/excess/subjugation, as well, which probably closely follow the others.

worship ? no, that would be very odd. and how in the world can one worship oneself ? we're selfish enough as it is.


We are just random dust in the wind.

