MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Tell me some good conspiracy films pleas...

Tell me some good conspiracy films please

There were lots in the 90s. Like Enemy Of The State, Conspiracy Theory, Extreme Measures etc.

Are there any I may not have seen that you can recommend?

I don't care which decade they are, I just love a good story.

These are fantastic suggestions. Thanks everyone πŸ˜ƒ im going to enjoy watching these.


Well most of the good ones were already namedπŸ˜’...came too late to the party.

Two others that have not been named (also similar)

Rear Window 1954
Body Double 1984

Movies for the peeping Tom in all of us!


23 (1998) - and "The KGB, the Computer and Me (1990)", same story, completely different perspective


"The Conversation" is easily my favorite.

Executive Action
Seven Days in May

"JFK" sucks, but I'd recommend a documentary on Jim Garrison, who was so much more interesting than Kevin Costner. Very dry and witty, too... "The Manchurian Candidate" is a pretty good movie, too.


The best ones have already been said, so a couple more.

The Odessa File (1974), is relatively unknown but quite decent movie.

If you liked Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, be aware the BBC made a miniseries in 1979 about the same book with Alec Guinness playing the role Gary Oldman played later on. They made a second miniseries with the following book, 'Smiley's people'.

In case you want to enjoy a more realistic approach, Syriana (2005) is a good movie. Be warned, though: the torture scene is very explicit.


Michael Clayton (2007)
