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Vaccine killed another one, this time a 21 year old

They won't let anyone question the vaccines and now we see the results.



Do you check your sources before posting them? That website is full out pseudoscience and quackery.


Is the New York Times a quackery source?


"They also emphasized that over all, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine and the other vaccines in use in the United States were safe, given how many MILLIONS of Americans had gotten their shots without concern."

Are you seriously concerned about a statistical anomaly to the point where you would put yourself and others around you at risk? Literally every medication on earth has rare side effects. The benefits vastly outweigh the risks.

Honest question, are you anti-vax in general?


uk - january 9: 59,809 new cases
uk - confirmed new cases april 17 - 2613

uk deaths jan 20 1223
uk deaths april 18 - 26


These stats came from Dr. Sonika Kainth, physician in Toronto.

Risk of blood clots
AstraZeneca - 1 in 250,000
Oral Birth Control - 1 in 2000 (each year)
Air Travel - 1 in 1000 (each flight)
Covid 19 - 1 in 10 (once infected)
Covid 19 in ICU - 1 in 5


She's a liar. Blood clots 1 of every 10 who has Covid? The official Covid # in the US is 30 million. We know it's actually much higher. So you mean about 10 million + have blood clot issues? And 1 in 5 in the ICU. So 20 million? That doctor is on crack big time! And one in 1000 have blood clots (DVT) on flights. It would end the airline industry for good!


"Out of 1.8 million fully vaccinated Michiganders, 334 have tested positive for COVID-19 as of April 6, according to state health officials. Those cases, however, are still under further review."

that's .02% in the hottest hot spot in the country. even in the middle of a viral forest fire people are almost completely protected from covid thanks to the vaccines.


So let's see.... 1 person out of a million dies from the vaccine, and the vaccine is no good.
1 person out of 10,000 dies of covid, and covid is awesome.
Not so good with the maths, are we?
