MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Outdated conspiracy theories

Outdated conspiracy theories

1. Bavarian illuminati


HAARP and the Russian Woodpecker are both all about mind control.
Nessie, the Loch Ness ... bathing elephant.
The CIA killed Olof Palme.
The Uranium in "Little Boy" was enriched by Auer.
"Vela" was an atomic test.
The Clovis theory.


Fluoridation of drinking water is a Communist plot to damage Americans' brains.


There's a group of Catholics plotting to assassinate the British monarch! --


Garden fairies in the UK (
Elvis still alive
Andy Kauffman still alive


Katy Perry is really Jon Benet Ramsey.


2. Moon landings faked
3. The CIA/military industrial complex/Cuban exiles/mafia/other government elements killed JFK
4. Elvis is still alive
5. Government/military has alien technology
5. Hitler escape to Argentina after the war
6. The earth is flat
6. 9/11 was an inside job
7. Obama is a Muslim or not a U.S. born citizen
8. Russia rigged the 2016 election
9. Trump started the virus
10. Democrats rigged/stole the 2020 election


#3 isn't out-dated or debunked.

its still up in the air. the mafia well & truly hated the kennedys, esp. bobby, and held
themselves betrayed by them.

otoh, such a drastic move against the government is very out of character for the mafia.

my only point is that some nexus of conspirators going after kennedy retains some plausibility.


the mafia well & truly hated the kennedys, esp. bobby, and held
themselves betrayed by them.
That's quite a ways from saying that they acted in cahoots with the CIA or the military to take him out.


what i'm saying is that the idea of some sort of conspiracy surrounding JFK's assassination is neither outlandish or outdated, and gave some relevant factors - we dont have to hang our hat on something specific. jfk was killed, he had powerful enemies in both the mafia and the MIC - just look at how policy pivoted in so many areas shortly after his death.

i'm agnostic on it all, but i don't discount the possibility of some sort of plot - the select committee back in the 70s came to the conclusion that there WAS some sort of conspiracy, but failed at discovering its contours.

"Aside from the assassination investigations that the Dallas police, the FBI, and the Secret Service conducted, President Lyndon B. Johnson immediately established the President's Commission to Investigate the Assassination of President Kennedy. Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court Earl Warren headed the efforts of the Warren Commission. Ten months later, the Warren Commission Report concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone and shot the President from a sniper's nest on the sixth floor of his workplace, the Texas School Book Depository. For a variety of reasons, not the least of which was that the Warren Commission conducted some of its investigations in secret and sealed many of its records, the American public never trusted the Commission's conclusion. Subsequently, other federal entities conducted partial or complete reinvestigations of the assassination. The most significant of these reinvestigations was the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA), which concluded in 1979 that President Kennedy's death was the result of a probable conspiracy."


#10 is ongoing pretty strong.


#10 is ongoing pretty strong.
And those who believe it are fools, or insane.


Green M&Ms are aphrodisiacs


#11. Climate Change is real
#12. Global warming is real
#13. Acid Rain is a threat
#14. Ozone hole is a threat
#15. Rising sea levels (several countries were supposed to be under water already)
#16. Ice Age Coming (this one was before the global warming one)

All fallen into the dustbin of history...


#11. Climate Change is real
#12. Global warming is real
Aren't those two one and the same?


Exactly.... rebrand, because weather changes (by definition) so they can create narratives at willl...


Exactly.... rebrand, because weather changes (by definition) so they can create narratives at willl...
That's present day liberalism for you. Always changing the goal posts.

And then they wonder why the rest of us can't keep up with them!


My parents told me in the 60s or 70s the wack jobs were worried about "global cooling".


17. Hillary Clinton and the Democrats run a pedophile ring out of a pizza parlor
18. Climate change is man-made
19. The Chinese government and military deliberately unleashed the virus as a biological weapon to kill us
20. The fires and civil unrest in general last year was deliberately staged by the Democrats or the Republicans--depending on who you listen to--to sabotage the election
21. MH 370 was brought down by the US government for reasons so varied I can't keep them straight
