MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Stupid racist gets ass kicked by old Asi...

Stupid racist gets ass kicked by old Asian lady

LOL! Sadly, it's hard to deny how many dumb people there are here in America. It's getting too hard to be racist to black people anymore, so maybe it'll be okay against Asians, because you know, Covid-19 was started by China. There's only dozens of other Asian countries besides China, but why quibble over details, let's get anyone Asian. My motto is: If they're yella, attack 'em, fella!


That's not fair. She had a weapon!


This is NOT about racism. Punching old people out of the blue has become a national sport in US. It's very popular among blacks, and they're not labeled as racist, so there's no reason to apply that label when the thug is white.

It happened to Rick Moranis no long ago.


I consider the black people that do that racist.


Now we are going to make Asians the victims. Unbelievable.


Everyone non white it will be deemed a racist attack.

Every white person killed or attacked will just be ignored.

This is the world we are creating


I'm really puzzled as to what made you write that in a conversation about racist attacks on asians.

Are you defending the white people who are beating up asians on racial grounds and insisting that if they come to any harm it be denoted as "racist" as opposed to "completely justified self defense"?


Learn to read, it is very clear what it means.

Every time a non white is attacked or killed it is framed as a racist attack

Every time a white is attacked or killed. Tumbleweeds.

Even the recent shooting. All the MSM is constantly talking about the asians who were killed but the 2 white poeple, nothing.

Make of that what you will.

Are you defending the white people who are beating up asians on racial grounds

No where did I say that but good try. Also please prove it was racially motivated.

Why are these not being put as racially motivated? I will tell you why because they were done by black people. Remember only white people are racist.

Hypocrisy screams


becasue when a white person is attacked it usually isnt racism, much as you want it to be


becasue when a white person is attacked it usually isnt racism

And what about black on asian? not racist either. Also how do you know, you are assuming it isn't.

This is why nothing will change. Racism is racism no matter who the colour of the person is.

Blacks and asains can be as racist as whites. Move to Japan and see how not racist they are.


If Blacks are participating in this "lets puch asians because the virus came from asia" craze,
then yes , i agree , thats racist.

"Racism is racism no matter who the colour of the person is."
no its not , if a white guy beats a black guy up because he stole his car - and he would have done the same to a white guy - thats not racism

White people are rarley attacked becasue they are white, its usually becasue they are the target of a robbery , or maybe they just mouthed off too much in the bar. In those cases its not racist no matter the color of the perpetrator.


I would say the opposite is true. We have been taught for most of my adult life to treat white people as racist and any behavior directed at them is justified. Look at how much coverage that Smollett guy got over what should have been obvious to everyone was pure fiction. Look at Dr Seuss. Look at that Bachelor host. Do you ever see the reverse? A black person being canceled because he/she made racist remarks about a white person? Not hardly ever, even though they made negative comments about white people all the time.
Lebron wore a tshirt with 'Built on Black History'. Can you imagine the uproar if a white person wore one saying 'Built on White History'?
Walmart promotes 'black' businesses. So does Amazon. Why? We are supposed to shop based on skin color? Does that seem ok to anyone?
We are supposed to cancel Dr. Seuss because some images are deemed offense to the thinnest-skinned people on the planet?
Have you ever listened to rap music? The lyrics? Those are ok but not Dr. Seuss? Do you not realize the insanity and the double standards?
We are teaching this country to be ashamed of white people and to celebrate black people to a ridiculous degree. Before long, George Washington will become a black man. If liberals have their way.


George Washington was his slave name. His real name was Tualla'K Nagembo.
