What was the real reason IMDb killed their forums?
Things were never really that bad over there, and the forums were one of the main reasons to use IMDb.
shareThings were never really that bad over there, and the forums were one of the main reasons to use IMDb.
shareToo many differing political opinions for IMDb. Gotta shut that speech down. Just like msn.com, yahoo, and all the other internet sites that banned comments sections because they didn’t like differing opinions than their own being discussed.
I was on IMDb for 10 years until they shut the message boards down. Deleted my account the day after they closed the message boards, and haven’t been back since. I don’t appreciate shutting down speech, whether it is their right to do so or not.
Very thankful this site came around to take IMDb’s place.
Originally IMDB was an ad free platform and the boards was a huge part of it. It grew to be so big that the owners cashed in on massive ad profits, which demanded they remove the boards. I also miss them as they were much bigger than MC and I was on them from the beginning (1999).
That said there were way to many trolls on those boards.