MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Harry and Meaghan's home is TOO MUCH!!!

Harry and Meaghan's home is TOO MUCH!!!

It's beautiful, but really, 3 people living in a house that big? It has 16 bathrooms!!!

It even has a separate 'guest house'.

Couldn't her dad who lives in Mexico because he couldn't afford to live in America move there?

I know, that's not happening.

But it is kind of sickening for 3 people to have so much.


Meghan said she wanted an “authentic life” and “basic.”


But she settled for inauthentic and extravagant.


And she is suicidal?

This is what many baseball, basketball and football players live.

Multi million a year contacts.

You can by a 2 million dollar house straight up, no mortgage and still have 2 million left over. And that's only 1 or 2 years income.

Not many places can pay their athletes like that among such a wide variety of sports.


could you also add the upkeep and taxes to your little budget spreadsheet?


i dont know why anyone would want a mansion unless they had a huge family to fill it.
Most normal people , when they get old , and their kids leave home , find a normal size family house a bit too big!
