MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What did you guys watch this week? (02/0...

What did you guys watch this week? (02/07-02/13)

Im late... This week was extra busy. But I had time to think and... Im still wondering; do I make this weekly thread because I watch a lot of movies or do I watch a lot of movies because I make this thread? The question is legit because by thursday evening I hadn't watch anything yet and felt the pressure to get at t in order to have something to deliver to you guys. So I managed to watch 2 movies and I'll add an extra review.

Here it goes:

What’s your number (2011 TV): As we started the movie my wife and I realized that we had already seen in a while ago but it was just good enough for us to keep watching it again. There was chemistry between the two actors so it worked well.My wife and I also had chemistry after watching it but that’s none of your business. 6/10

Re-animator(1985 tubi): A good concept executed in a simple and entertaining way but slightly too random to fully hit the mark. Fun without a purpose, more for gore. My rating: 7/10

Bride of reanimator (1990 Tubi): For the first 30 minutes I actually thought this one was more enjoyable than the first one but then it lost a bit of wind near the middle. The actor playing the inspector was very weird. He actually became less weird once he became berserk. Otherwise, it’s a fun movie with it’s fair share of gore and funny lines. My favorite: “The lawyers hands. I rest my case.” 7/10


Hi Stone

The Re-Animators were great fun

The Stand miniseries was a good mid winter distraction as enjoyable as the original TV mini series

Parts of it reminded me of Jericho, The Walking Dead and that Robert McGammon novel Swan Song


Nice bro



-Gotti (2018)
Travolta's performance was uneven, with a different accent every single scene. But the rest of the movie was even worse. Bad direction, ugly cinematography, bad performances, awful musical choices, hairstyles and costumes that don't fit the historical period. It looked like a cheap Lifetime movie.

-TV Shows

-The Bold and the Beautiful - marathon of very old episodes

-Days of Our Lives - marathon of very old episodes

-Baywatch Nights - "The Eight Seal" and "Hot Winds"

-Big Wolf on Campus - Episode 10


Urgh, I’ll keep on staying away from this one. 👍


Gotti was lousy and I like Travolta and Mafia stories so much

What a bust!

Why did they play that chubby goofball Pitbull's music?!?!?

So stupid


The last two days I've been re re re watching People Just Do Nothing on NETFLIX.

Yes it's dumb.


Humm... interesting. Are they like, rappers?


They are rappers but in the show they call in garage music, I think. I don't pay much attention to the "music" just the crazy idiot people.
