

I recently got an update (Ancestry.com)

50% European Jewish
-Jews in Western & Central Europe
--Western Ukraine, Moldova & Eastern Romania
--Poland, Slovakia, Hungary & Moravia
28% Germanic Europe
14% England & Northwestern Europe
5% Scotland
3% Sweden


That's interesting, so your revised Ancestry.com results still included quite a bit of detail unlike mine. Looks like the Ashkenazi is strong in your ancestry !


which parent was jewish?


Dad. His parents were born in the USA, but all 4 of his grandparents were immigrants. At least two, but maybe all four were from Bessarabia, a part of the world that is now mostly Moldova, and a little Ukraine. At least two, but maybe all four were Romanian and Yiddish speakers. I don't recall what their occupations were. I never knew them.


That's an interesting comparison.



In what way is it " far more detailed " ?



Yes I gave consent for law enforcement agencies to have access to my DNA test data so obviously I am okay with that. I have nothing to hide. How about you ?


I'm scared for Ancestry.com to find out about my superpowers.


Too late ! The FBI and Interpol know all about them too, according to DFDalton.


I've got 2 grandparents from Germany and 2 Grandparents from Ireland, not sure what that makes me.


That makes you North Western European like me. Although you never know there might be a little something else thrown into the mix as there was with me.
