MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > My new facebook friend posted a holocaus...

My new facebook friend posted a holocaust joke

He did it on his 'story' update.

It was (warning)

'me and the boys running from the jewish Librarian after we put a book on Auschwitz in the cooking section'

I wanted to reprimand him but he's just a guy from work. What would you do?


I would just delete my facebook account and be done with it.


Yeah, just stop using Facebook.


He should be reprimanded. "Me and the boys"?! Call the Grammar Police!


I agree with the other posters. Get rid of Wastebook.


sounds like he was taking a pass at a dril style joke.

i'd say gently reprimand him, & tell him to leave the dril style humor to dril.


Why were you on facebook in the first place?


First of all, think whether you're legitimately offended, or you're just being too sensitive and politically correct.

A very good way to check it is to generate an equivalent but emotionally more neutral scenario and observe your own reaction. For example: London was heavily bombarded during WW2. It rained bombs, and a huge amount of people died there. Now imagine somebody posts the following joke:

'me and the boys running from the English Librarian after we put a book on London in the climate section'

Do you think this joke needs a "(warning)"? Do you think you should reprimand this person? If you don't feel terribly offended about this joke, probably you should ask yourself why you felt so offended about the other one.


On the other hand, a book about London wouldn't fit the cooking section either ...


Don't be so negative. Perhaps France has haute cuisine, but England has fish & chips 😄


Only one option here: delete Facebook
