MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Come up with a B-movie / ‘creature featu...

Come up with a B-movie / ‘creature feature’ premise.


A scientific gene splicing experiment goes horribly wrong, resulting in the creation of an abomination that is half hippopotamus, half crocodile, half pig and half tyrannosaurus (yes, I know that’s 4 halves, which is mathematically incorrect, but nothing about this film makes sense).



An ape wanders into an ancient temple where he breaks some sort of seal keeping an evil spirit imprisoned which then possesses the primate and hilarity soon ensues.


I’m sure I’ve seen this.


I'd like to see a really well done Loch Ness Monster movie..With some low key special effects and humor, like Lake Placid.


You guys are just giving SyFy fodder for their next 5 part Trilogies


Shhhh🤫 I’m actually a staff writer for the SyFy channel. Where do you think I get all my material from.


--->"She's a lizard!

A 30-year-old family man is convinced his daughter is actually a lizard.

Luckily, he's somewhat wealthy so he owns a house with 4 bedrooms.

Meanwhile, the wife not so with a guy who thinks his daughter is a lizard.

So he slits her throat after 3/4 of the film.

He remains resistant, that Tom Hanks is a child rapist/serial killer.

He masturbates at the end of the film.

The daughter is seen pounding the wooden jail.


The guy is so bat shit crazy he storms the capitol and forgot all about his daughter.
