Happy new year and many many good movies for you and your loved ones. Let's keep it cinematic!
Im officially done with my vacations but I work 4 days/week for the entire month of january so that's a bit more movie time for me.
This week:
Tropa de Elite 2: O Inimigo Agora é Outro (“Elite squad 2: The enemy within” 2010 TV): Not comparable to City of God or City of men, this Brazilian gangster movie is violent with good directing, good acting and a slightly convoluted plot. Maybe if I had seen the first one before... so that’s my bad. My rating: 8/10
Klaus (2020 Netflix): Interesting take on the story of good old Santa with beautiful graphics and very funny humour. The high point for us was a random scene of like five seconds that got my two kids laughing so hard that it got us all literally rolling down on the floor and I had to rewind it four consecutive times just so we could keep on laughing. A nice feel-good movie but I don’t get the people who cried and I’m known to cry very very easily. My rating: 7.5/10
Arthur Christmas (2011 Netflix): Entertaining and fun enough but it somehow felt a bit longer than it should’ve. Still, I ain't got nothing else bad to say and it’s a merry family movie to watch this time of year for sure. My rating: 7/10
Red eye (2005 TV): I was keen to watch this because of both the reviews and the critics and because of both leads whom I consider to be tolerable actors. It ended up being really meh. I can’t even affirm it’s worth a watch if you’re bored... I’m sure you could find better. My rating: 5.5/10
Missing in action (1984 TV): One of the coolest, baldest, funniest Chuck Norris movies ever. Maybe his best, IDK. It’s definitely one of the best “bad movies” out there. It holds one of my all-time favorite scenes too. My rating: 6.5/10
On the 31st I told my children they could pick the movie of their choice for an afternoon watch and they made me proud as they picked one of my all-time favourite, a movie with some of the best fight scenes, settings and character development ever: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze (1991). My rating: 8.5/10
Ash VS evil S3: About time I finish one of my top 5 series of the past decade! Violence, nudity, substances, language and gore at its best. Plus it’s hilarious. I am severely frustrated they won’t do a 4th season. Breakdown: Ep1: 8.5, Ep2: 8, Ep3: 9, Ep4: 8.5, Ep5: 8.5, Ep 6: 9, Ep7: 8.5, Ep8: 8.5, Ep9: 8, Ep10: 9.5 OVERALL: 8.5/10
Klaus 6/10
Red eye 7/10
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze 6/10
What I watched:
Time (2020) 8/10
Da 5 Bloods (2020) 8/10
Death to 2020 (2020) 8/10
Black Bear (2020) 7/10
Alone (2020) 7/10
Think Like a Dog (2020) 7/10
We Can Be Heroes (2020) 7/10
Bobbleheads: The Movie (2020) 3/10
Possessor (2020) 7/10
Shocker (1989) 6/10
mid90s (2018) 5/10
Another Round (2020) 7/10
Zombi Child (2019) 6/10
The Pretty Ones (2016) 6/10
That Touch of Mink (1962) 7/10
Netflix binges:
- Peaky Blinders - good series, great characters. Some far-fetched stuff
- Outlander - meh. Gave up on it but thenhad nothing else to watch so picked it up again. It’s ok. A little too romance novel for me, but it has some action and intrigue. IDK if I’ll stick it out,
- Greenland (2020) - pretty decent action flick in the style of Deep Impact, War of the Worlds, World War Z...
- Last Christmas (2019) - cute, sappy but nice fora holiday no-thinker.
The Outer Limits (1963-64) - not as good as The Twilight Zone but a solid science fiction series. Deserves more attention. 8/10
The Wilds (2020) - My wife wanted to watch this. A bunch of teen girls are stranded on an island. Nothing is as it seems in this series and nothing is answered in the end. There will be a season 2. Not sure I will watch it. The series has a whole bunck of flashbacks to tell the story of each girl. 6.5/10
Dark City (1950) - Charlton Heston's first leading role. He plays a heavy who redeems himself in the end. 7/10
Silver Linings Playbook (2012) - Jennifer Lawrence was great. I didn't think the movie dealt with the mental illness aspect very well. It is a feel good love story. De Niro gives a fine supporting performance. 7/10
I think I have seen Arthur Christmas before, but I'm not sure, so I won't rate it.
In the final week of last year I haven't watched a single thing. Shame on me.
I'll put Ash VS Evil on my list though! My resolution is to tick at least half of my watchlist.
The Nice Guys (2016) - 3/5
Precious (2009) - 4/5
Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) - 3/5
Soul (2020) - 4/5
The Prom (2020) - 2/5
The Mummy (2017) - 2/5
The Legend of Barney Thomson (2015) - 3.5/5
The Way Way Back (2013) - 4.5/5
The Black Balloon (2008) - 4/5
Green Book (2018) - 4/5
Thunder Road (2018) - 3.5/5
Madame (2017) - 3.5/5
Oh and I also binge watched the first two seasons of The Mandalorian, which I thought was fantastic. I’m not much of a Star Wars fan but I was still well impressed.
Young Sherlock Holmes (1985): Levinson, Columbus and practical effects = 7.5/10
The Ninth Gate (1999): "The Club Dumas" minus Dumas... strange idea 6/10
Ferdinand von Schirach: Feinde - Against Time (2021 TV): 8/10
Ferdinand von Schirach: Feinde - The Confession (2021 TV): As Brandauer as a movie can be. 8/10 - combined: 8.5/10
Alice in Borderland (2020 Netflix): 8/10
The Expanse Season 5 (2020 Amazon): 5 episodes in, 7.5/10
Ah yes, Missing in Action is one of Chuck’s best, no doubt! As far as so good it’s bad movies of his, have you seen Invasion USA?
My week:
Rabid Dogs (1973)
Criminals hijack a car with a couple and child to escape the police. Bava’s film was finally released in 1998 after being shelved since the 70’s. Included on the DVD is a version titled “Kidnapped” that was overseen by his son Lamberto. This is my second viewing of Rabid Dogs and I hope to watch Kidnapped next for comparison. A must for Bava and Euro Crime fans.
The Strange Vice of Mrs Wardh (1971)
An unfaithful wife is pulled into a web of deception and murder. Multiple viewings: Stylish and sleazy, anyone who isn’t familiar with the beautiful Edwige Fenech should check this early Sergio Martino giallo out.
Le Samouraï (1967)
After a job, a hit man is relentlessly pursued by the police. Very stylish French film here that Tarantino has obviously seen before. Alain Delon Is totally cool in the role of the hit man here. Recommended.
Cleopatra (1963)
The tale of Cesar, Antony and Cleopatra. I can’t count how many times I’ve seen this one and it never gets old to me. It always seems like Rex Harrison as Cesar delivers his lines like a stand up comedian in the first half. Love it.
i caught klaus when it was added to netflix last year, and i enoyed it quite a bit. nice animation, very sweet story. 4/5
red eye was a pretty effective, pacey thriller for me. 3.5
i loved ash vs evil dead. i've kinda forgotten most of the details already, but i know i liked s3 the most of all of them, & thought s2 was maybe a little weaker than the others.
my week:
the house that jack built (2018) 3.5 this is chock full of great things.
it has bursts of imagination and shocking violence coupled with the darkest humor. the analogy about lamppost shadows? truly inspired & perfectly visualized.
and you totally get to see riley keough's boobs. is that a first on film? it was a first for me, i'm pretty sure.
it would absolutely be great and a minimum 4 star film if it wasn't 150 grinding, endlessly long minutes.
straight up (2019) 3.5 i know it's been almost two years, but i still have a huge burr up my butt about the way everyone ululated over booksmart.
that movie was not clever or imaginative.
critics praised it for its hyper-woke messaging.
this is actually clever and witty and filled with bona fide heart.
there are a few moments where it tips over into that dialogue equivalent of the uncanny valley where people say relentlessly clever things again and again in a rapid fire manner that no normal human being is capable of.
so it's not perfect.
but it's super good.
supersonic (2016) 3 doc on oasis. maybe this is just me being primed too much, but i was hoping for more anger and rage and nastiness.
it's a very fun doc, anyway. i have no great love for oasis myself, but i do think their first record is a fun balls-out flab-free album
escape room (2019) 3 solidly entertaining, if very pg and bloodless.
i still find parts of it oddly confusing. particularly the upside down room. i get very confused sometimes, so this is probably just me, but i didn't understand the code they cracked at all.
luz: the flower of evil (2019) 1.5 you'll see lots of comparisons to the witch and hagazussa here. & that's accurate, i guess.
all i can say is that, whereas i was into those films and found them hypnotic and ultimately rewarding, holy fucking shit did this movie cheese me off.
i was so tired of its ethereal, pretty score and whispered dialogue & voice-overs and sinister atmosphere by the 1 hr mark, only pure will-power & my ocd-ish compulsion to watch things to the end allowed me to see it through.
there's lots to admire in it, i guess. lots of nice shots. very scenic. you could turn any given moment from this into a picture or a jigsaw puzzle or a framed piece of art. it looks awesome at times.
& the actors acquit themselves reasonably well, though the father (?) seemed to be on the verge of chewing scenery at times.
it just fell on the wrong side of some sort of intangible line for me, and i hated it instead of really liking it, and i spent almost the entire running time screaming in my head 'get on with it already, please!'
relic (2020) 3 pretty good, but i think may have suffered in my appraisal by being the second of two rather pokey, atmosphere-heavy films i watched this afternoon. this was definitely the better of the two, but by the time we got into the last 1/2 hr i was absolutely filled to the brim with slow-burns, & i am now pining for a little bit of energy.
abc's of death 2 (2014) 3.5 my favourite gothy sex goddess tristan risk shows up in 't!' a very nice surprise. and she looked very good.
i liked this lot more than i expected to. as i recall, the first one was a big mixed bag, with the mix more heavily on the negative side, and ultimately a bit tedious to get through.
this certainly still has its ups and downs, but overall i found it to be a hoot and mostly great fun. exactly what i needed after two rather dreary, atmosphere heavy downers.
it does end a bit poorly - the last 2 segments in particular are slight duds imo, but overall i'd call this a smashing good time.
radius (2017) 3.5 good! a very pleasant surprise. it moves along nicely and unfurls its surprises very effectively.
if the words 'twilight zone inspired' still get your neurons a bit fired up, this is very much worth a look.
nostalgia for the light (2010) 1.5 doc on chilean astronomoers & women searching for survivors of pinochet's tyranical gov't.
a movie like this has to strive for a respectful tone, granted.
but you're doing no tribute to anyone by being so flagrantly boring imo.
i got very very tired of all the ethereal prettiness and dolorous narration. and eventually i grew to hate those things.
infinity chamber (2016) 3.5 pretty good sci-fi puzzle movie. gets a lot out of its small budget.
my only objection is the same thing i always think when it comes to twisty sci-fi - the twilight zone would have dealt with all this in a tidy 25 minutes. did you really need a full 100 minutes for all this? at minimum, i think this could have been streamlined.
but it's quite entertaining and engaging and well done. would definitely be keen on seeing more from this director.
satan's slave (1982) 2 i found myself pretty underwhelmed by this, tbh. it has very few interesting or enjoyable scenes, & the few gore & makeup effects...well, even graded on a curve, allowing that this is a cheap indonesian affair, it's hard for me not to declare them to be pretty poor.
i love amateurism. applaud it, seek it out. but this isn't enjoyable amateurism. it's just dull and plodding.
the driller killer (1979) 3.5 those blonde back-up singers in the scene that starts at around the 22m mark...dang. i wish i was a completely different person so girls like that would like me.
reno's table manners when eating pizza are repulsive. i can watch gore, genital mutilation, whatever you got. but don't show me someone making noise when they eat & with food on their face. please. i never need to see that.
blindspotting (2018) 4 great! a breath of fresh air - daring & bold & funny & all that good stuff.
except for the last 15-20 minutes, where it seemed to lose its balance to me, and get a bit too heavy handed & didactic (favorite word of mine these days, sorry if i'm over-using it), if not a little silly.
absolutely worth a look, regardless.
dirty harry (1971) 4 thoroughly, deeply seventies in the best possible ways.
under the silver lake (2019) 5 usually when films are 2+ hrs long, i'll kvetch a good amount.
not here. i love every minute i get to spend in its incoherence
singin' in the rain (1952) 5 i think you could make a solid case for the sequence from moses supposes through singin' in the rain being the greatest patch of film ever made.
mad max fury road (2015) 5 a smart person once told me that you should only use the word genius three times a year.
since it's the 1st day of a new year, i'd better deal them out carefully.
genius genius genius.
silent night deadly night 4 (1990) 3.5 very fun! approach it as a yuzna film, not a sndn film. it's weird & silly & nonsensical & a very good time all told.
the lives of others (2006) 5 perfect.
except maybe it could have been a touch shorter.
metropolitan (1990) 5 i wish i was like these people.
terminator 3 rise of the machines (2003) 3 somewhat unfairly maligned, i'd say.
it's not 1/2 as good as the first two, granted. maybe not a fifth as good. i'll cede that point.
but the first chase with the crane? a genuinely great action scene that almost compares to the first chase in t2.
nothing in it comes close to that. it feels very action movie generic from that point onward. competent but unexciting. you'll be pining for the bleak intensity of the originals.
and it's got far too many funny moments that aren't too funny.
it's pacey! and relatively short! yay for action films that aren't endlessly long.
and that ending is wonderfully dark, which i still think is underappreciated.
this is decent, large scale action film making. it's nothing that will inspire devotion, but it's watchable enough.
the dentist (1996) 3 there are a lot of films on tubitv that almost any sensible person will scroll past without pausing because it seems impossible that it could be anything other than complete balderdash.
and a lot of the time you'd be right to do so.
not this time, i think. this is pretty fun. could have used a bit more violence & gore & so on, but it's silly and goofy and a pretty reliable good time.
it's becoming important to me to see as many yuzna movies as i possibly can.
I saw a film called Tapeworm. It is filmed entirely in Winnipeg. I think you might like it. It's an indie , so a little rough, but I thought it was good. It's on putlocker. https://ww1.putlocker.style/movie/tapeworm/kZbUUVdd
If you liked Metropolitan, consider checking out The Last Days of Disco. Same writer/director, a few shared cast members, and a very similar rhythm and atmosphere.
i'm a big, big whit stillman fan, & really like everything he's done, even damsels in distress, which is seen as his weakest, i guess. i watched last days of disco a few months back for the first time in ages, and enjoyed it a lot as always. i'd probably still rank metropolitan as my favourite of his 90s films, but i kinda see them as three parts of one whole series, and i think of them as being all kinda co-equal.
i've actually had a couple of neat, fun little interactions with him on twitter - he couldn't have been nicer & friendlier. he gave me film recommendations!
love and friendship is probably my favourite stillman - if you haven't seen that, i give it a big recommendation. it's funny & clever & an absolute good time.
i don't remember that nacho scene at all - it's been ages since i watched death proof. probably since the year it was released. i just poked around and it doesn't seem to be on any of the streaming sites i use, but i have a cineplex credit, so maybe i'll rent it from them tomorrow. i think it's the only tarantino film i've seen just once.