MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Looking for a movie. Quote: "It flew awa...

Looking for a movie. Quote: "It flew away"


this quote (or is it part of a longer sentence?) is stuck in my head. For no reason. It just popped up. But know I can't forget about it. I match.

There was - I'm pretty sure - a guy saying this: "It flew away". He somehow was holding something in his hands. Opened them (on purpose or by mistake) and IT flew away. Whatever IT was. All I remember. It really bugs me.

It's not much, but I need to know. I can't rest before this is solved. Thanks for any help.


There's a site where you can search film quotes. "It flew away" has been used in numerous movies, more than 400, according to the site. Maybe one of the titles will look familiar:


Great site!
Thanks, never heard of it til now

'I'll be back' has apparently been used in nearly 34,000 movies!

And 'Do we get to win this time Sir' is from 'Everybody Hates Chris'
I would have sworn that was from Rambo



How so?
I just tried 'That's a big twinkie' and the results seemed correct


You're welcome.


That's a helpful website. Didn't know that one. Went through the list....twice. But the movie looked for isn't there. But thanks anyways.


You're welcome. I hope you find it.
