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England to have a second lockdown. Wonder if this will happen here eventually?



Where is here?


I'm in Canada but I really mean North America.


Are things getting bad over there? I thought you had things under control?


Well, Canada is a big country, so it really depends where you are. I'm on Vancouver Island, BC and life is relatively normal here. But in Winnipeg, Alberta and Ontario, it's a different story.


Where are you located Andy? I presume you are in the States? I saw on the news a record 100,000 cases in a single day!


I live in ‘Sunny’ Bournemouth, south coast of England, 5 minutes from the beach.


Things are far from under control. States here.
California and Texas both have a million cases each. But the death rate has lowered considerably.
Murica 😔


COVID-19 is for sure the top issue for Americans during this election.

What is the sentiment down there for this election less than a week away? Lots of craziness? I saw on the news that Texas may go blue!


I live in a red state. I can't leave the house. Trumpers everywhere trumping. Scary.


Wear a MAGA hat.


Great people, the lot of them!


Covid really shouldn't even be an election issue. It's a virus. The fuck's the government going to do?

Until we have a vaccine it just is what it is. Blame China.


Actually, it should. Both parties have different views on healthcare, so COVID-19 impacts that.


Yeah, I thought that that it wasn’t so bad in Canadia.


Dear God, Andy tell me this isn't true. I'm going to be Premier League-less during a lockdown?!?!?!?!?


No, thankfully the Prem will continue unhindered ⚽️


Possibly in Canada, but not the U.S. There is still too much resistance and denial prevalent.


Are you excited about the election less than a week away? What is the sentiment down there? Lots of craziness?


Sadly, this is the real answer. Too many Americans would rather see their neighbors and grandparents die of a preventable disease, than lift a finger or pay a cent.


It seems the American mentality is "Don't tell me what to do! I do what I want. ".


In far too many cases, yes. The mentality is that of a toddler in the "terrible twos", screaming "NO NO NO NO" to everything.


You hit the nail on the head! I cannot believe how many people complain about the simple steps we should all be taking to avoid spreading Covid. Masks, distancing, and washing one's hands. It's not hard, people! If everyone would get on board with this we could get back to some semblance of normal life. No one likes wearing a mask, for Pete's sake! 🙄 But it's a very small sacrifice to keep ourselves and those around us safer.


People still don't get it. Yes, the safety measures are an inconvenience, but the alternative is worse.

When you break your leg, you need to wear a cast. Yes, it's bulky and inconvenient. However, you don't remove it after just a couple of days because you're tired of it, if you wish to have your leg heal correctly. Or when you bandage a cut, you don't tear off the bandage an hour later because it gets in the way.

This is a pandemic. We have two choices: lock down and get it under control, or take half-hearted steps which are ineffective and allow it to drag on for months or even years.


Exactly! 👍👍👍

For those who say wearing a mask is uncomfortable, think how uncomfortable being on a ventilator is.


Your description of the American mentality is accurate. There seems to be this growing arrogant attitude that the problems affecting the entire planet don't apply to the U.S. COVID-19, climate change and the like are other countries' issues. The U.S. exists in its own little special world. At least that's what the arrogant and ignorant individuals like to think.

I, for one, will be glad when this election is over. I'm so sick of the ads and hearing about it every day. It even dominates the BBC News, which is one of the few news channels I watch.


The thing is, this isn't a "new" thing. Has always been the American mentality long before Trump. Probably since WW2 (or even earlier).


That's true. It seems that it's gotten worse in recent years.


I have to disagree that the "you can't tell me what to do" has been around since the end of WWII. But I do think that coming out of that war, Americans seemed to think they knew better than the rest of the world. It's to our detriment that we believe we know better than anyone else. We refuse to accept that another country just might have a better idea. We could be learning from other countries about what works and what doesn't. But no, we're too arrogant. 🙄


I'm in New York and in one of the larger NYC Unions...We've been doing our thing, no worries aside from some of our people getting sick but my boss (she's NO joker and a tough leader) EMailed us yesterday stating we should get used to working from home ASAP

Strange days man...some jobs you can't do from home


As soon as Germany and France announced their lockdown the other day I knew we would be next. It's how it happened the first time around 😒


Didn't know Germany and France had their 2nd lockdowns.


Yep. There's a few others in Europe too. Belgium is one, I forgot the others.


France are making their citizens carry documents to prove they have a reason to be outside/travelling.


Yikes! Similar to what Italy did during their lockdown back in March.


Please state countries, "here" could be antarctica when you're talking on the world wide web.


I'm in Canada but I really mean North America.


E le tupu I LENEI




E te tautala i le Bocce?




O lau faʻaupuga lea?




Talu ai o loʻo matou tufatufaina PASSWORDS, o le a ou tuʻuina atu ia te aʻu laʻu, e valu mataitusi umi ... Snow White ma Fitu Faʻavasega!


Ygf6j hug6jnvc7 ifh


Mo le a lena mea?


The cold weather is starting...


The Ice Age cometh ! I predicted this.


Americans don't want to be locked down. Fuck that shit.


"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" - American mantra


Pretty much, yeah. I love it!


I have to chuckle when I hear how in the animal world we need predators and natural causes to keep populations in balance, but with humans we need to do everything we can to keep every single person alive for as long as we possibly can.

I'm a proud progressive, and I'm not applauding the effects of a mass pandemic, but I do wonder if it's Nature's way of telling us something's wrong. Cull the herd, as they say.
