MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > 🎡 πŸ’€ Do your dreams have a soundtrack?

🎡 πŸ’€ Do your dreams have a soundtrack?

My dreams are silent except when someone speaks. No music or ambient sounds. Only two times that I remember having heard dream music. Once in a POV dream scene where I opened a music box and it played a little tune. Another one was a cinematic chase scene accompanied by techno music.


Wow I wish I had your dreams, all I ever get is Ch Ch Ch Ah Ah Ah.


Not Jason. Nooooo!


That's who it is? I never did catch his name, I'm usually running! 😱


He’ll find you. That’s what he does. That’s all he does! You can’t stop him!


I've had a couple of dreams that had background music, just like in a movie. More common for me is a dream about someone performing music, usually a classical piece.


Not like an original score or anything like that, but I do dream ambient sounds. Often if I dream of music, it is an original to me, and more than once I've woken up and tried to write it down as it sounded amazing in my dream.


Paul McCartney got β€œYesterday” from a dream. Another famous musician said he woke up in the middle of the night to write down a great tune he just dreamed, only to find out in the morning it was nonsense.


I did get the melody for a movement for a suite that I wrote from a dream, but that only happened once.


I've had Here I Go Again by Whitesnake in my dreams for some reason.


Hanging on the promises in songs of yesterday?


To walk along the lonely street of dreams.


Weird! This song is playing on my local rock station just now as I was reading your post!!
Coincidences are cool

And if you happened to be dreaming about Tawny Kitaen jumping around with those legs of hers on a couple of cars I totally get it!


1980's Tawny 😍
She ruined her looks with surgery.


The surgeries rarely look good, it's best just to lean into the aging


She's always got those videos to look back on...and so have we! πŸ˜‹


Plastic surgery seems to be a tradeoff of sorts. Celebrities get less wrinkles for several years in exchange for looking like a Dr. Seuss creation for the rest of their lives.


She went from lovely to scary. πŸ˜•


I'm honestly not sure whether my dreams have background noise. There's definitely a lot of dialogue, mostly meaningless chatter, and there are feelings that come through without speech. But most of what I remember is the visuals.

With one exception - my subconscious once treated me to a full operetta! Okay, I like operetta and performed in a few when I was much younger, so there's all this Gilbert and Sullivan and whatnot floating around my deep memory. Which is probably why one night my subconscious mind presented me with a new one - it was long, with time for God knows how many arias and quartets and choruses and grand finales! I wish I could have remembered some of it when I woke up, all I could bring to mind is that some of the melodies were really nice.


I can't say how many times I've woken up singing or humming. I often have musical dreams.


I can never remember my dreams the minute I wake up. I dream every night.


Same here, except on the occasions where I wake up right in the middle of one.


I often dream of singing, and I mostly sing actual songs with the correct lyrics.
