Hate is too strong of a word to use on somebody you don't know personally. You can say you aren't a fan of this or that persons work and that's fine, but to say you hate them is as if you're saying you take it personally that they made it in show business just because you don't share the same opinion as his many fans all around the world who loved watching/listening to him then as well as now.
With that being said, No I don't share your opinion of dislike for the man. I'm quite a fan who enjoys revisiting his stuff from time to time. I don't know where you been but stand up comedy has always been the way he presented. His way is no different than any other comedian other than him obviously putting his own spin on his stuff to stand out.
Every comedian ever has talked about what interests/disinterests them based on their own experiences of life in general. People love it because they can relate to what they say throughout it and can sit back and laugh about that and laugh when the comedian mixes in his/her punch lines to get said laughs. I see nothing wrong with this but hey, Maybe stand up just isn't for you and that's fine. You want to see a comedy where it's silliness all the way through I'd suggest cartoons.