

"My brain hurts if I have to read or understand anything past Twitter's 280 character limit."

"I'm an old person who researched 'hip' internet terms at Urban Dictionary to sound young, not realizing that UD hasn't been updated in 10 years."


A third option...

'This is a very new poster who has contributed nothing useful for 3 weeks now which a couple of certain confused long-timers wound up stupidly encouraging (that is to say a pot stirring/troll post)'

tl;dr is all a pot stirrer deserves😉


You're the one who stupidly encouraged Deliciousfeet, possibly the most divisive poster this board has seen, and that went on for months until it finally backfired on you big time. Now you're still so bitter about it, you can't even tolerate his username being mentioned here.


What are you boiling over about now?
It's not all about you and you've probably heard this before but you take things too seriously:)


Ok, play dumb and be dismissive. It's just more of your pretentiousness but you know damn well what I'm talking about.

You're the attention whore here. I never tried to claim it was all about me but if you're going to take another sideways shot at me, you're obviously baiting, trying to draw me in. I just gave you what you wanted, a response.


You use big words and apply them incorrectly, 'pretentious' is the opposite of what I am, stop being goofy and make an ass of yourself with these sort of responses

Nice work quickly deleting your post last week where you told everyone to 'go fuck yourselves' if they disagreed with your link about the government spying on our personal security measures...I liked your link and agreed with much of it but in true db fashion you deleted it as you likely realized you came off like an angry fool

'Pretentious' lol...stop being a whiner and a lonely crank😁

I also enjoyed your recent backpedalling in response to sslssg's jumped on her in anger, she politely explained herself and then you deflected and accepted her well meant apologies...You are a self important dummy and you lack a sense of humor


Of course I'm using it correctly. I'm applying it to someone I see as being that way. How did you ever make it through college?
There you go, trying to drive a wedge between me and sslssg again, even though we resolved our difference and you want to preach about pot-stirring, fake-o.




db20 you are tripping hard.


And you're just another stupid and blind minion jumping on a bandwagon. You haven't even been here long enough to know what I'm talking about.


That's me. New guy.
But sure, I don't pay attention to you enough to pick up on whatever slights you seem to think you have suffered. Or maybe I don't remember you. All I know is you seem to be swatting the air. Shogun and sslssg are stand-up posters and I've never seen either one get shitty with anyone (unprovoked).

But what do I know? I'm stupid and blind.

We now return to your regular scheduled emotional hemophilia.


I guess you haven't been on this planet long enough to learn what a facade is, and I'm not referring to sslssg. All you're demonstrating with your responses to me is that you can be easily manipulated into adopting a mob mentality.


Got me pegged.


'stupid and blind minion'

Minion of what?

A lot of posters that feel like you are acting like an ass are 'minions?'


Oh, give me a break with your childish pretentiousness. You were bragging almost 4 years ago to dewey when you were harassing him about how this was going to be your board someday.


Someone sounds bitter because they made an ass of themselves supporting that mina troll

Humor and reading between the lines are not your strong suit and nobody but you will get that


Of course. You're the expert on humor here, nyuk, nyuk, jerk-off, lol!


You can do better than crude talk...I think..?

Try harder👍


I’m surprised he hasn’t been banned with this continuously discourteous attitude towards posters here if the last few days are anything to go by. An unwelcoming and shitty attitude like this sure will drive users away.


All I got out of your response is that there are a bunch of diaper rashing crybabies who were getting a little too comfortable sniffing their own farts. But one day you'll appreciate me for challenging you all. :-)


A challenge is always fun, you've been nothing but a bore


Coming from Hohum & Yukkers, lol! If you could have your way, this board would be nyuk, nyuk, The Three Stooges, 24/7.


Rarely do I say this but that was really stupid, the 'insulting' nickname you offered was not clever (I would have laughed if it was, but it just wasn't)
Hohkum&Yukkers...several years ago I thought you were half clever

Double down on this troll you like so much if you please, one other fool did as well and you both look silly now, just read some of these ridiculous threads of the last several've been on the defensive because in your half abled brain you realize you made a misstep, just own it


LOL! The veneer has been stripped away and you're revealing who the angry one really is.


Yep, you are angry and alone, it's sad and it shows

Over the last couple of days of your posts think about how stupid you have sounded (if you can recall any of it)

You have supported an obvious troll, come off like a lunatic and insulted anyone who disagreed with you...your lack of humor and self awareness has stuck out like a sore thumb

Get it together


Hah! You're the one that has continually posted about how miserable you are in the rat-race you feel caught up in, e.g. the commute, NYC and its people, blah, blah, blah.

I'm where you dream of being. I'm a peaceful retiree enjoying the fruits of my labors. I sit on my porch, drink beer, watch a beautiful sunset and enjoy the musical, joyous sounds of my neighbor's children playing in the yard.


In response to other posters work threads I've been honest with people who are going into the same mess everyday...Yep, the traffic, the parking situation and the crime in New York City are the most lousy parts of my day...'Miserable' sounds like projection and is a succinct summary of nearly all of your posts

$1 dollar question...Are you on your porch alone?
I bet a dollar you are😀


What if I am? I'm alone by choice. Some of us are just meant to be Jeremiah Johnsons.

You're trying to make it appear as something really negative and terrible. And why is that? Because you're one of those that's terrified of it. You could never handle it.


Jeremiah Johnson?

Get over yourself😆


At 143 posts you should probably just shut the hell up.😀


Put some baby oil on that diaper rash.


That was lame and childish

tcrum adds great fun and conversation to our site

Congrats on becoming the joke of the week along with a couple of cranks that propped you up😉


"get to the point and don't steal my time"


Is that a TENET reference?


TL;DR has a few meanings if one is discerning.


To late doctor




Seen any good movies minababe?




Hah! Foreign Nationals can't even type!!


It’s ah message written in invisible ink fie for the eyes of felloh agents of chaos, typical cloak and daggah stuff old boy.


Your spelling is giving you away! I'm so clever. Genius, even!


Oh dash, what a frightful error to make, the U in colour in paragraph three was it?
