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Why Christianity is BS!

For the last two thousands years, as science has become more prominent, the need for miracles, the supernatural and magic has disappeared. We don't need the supernatural as an explanation for anything at all-absolutely nothing. There is no magic in the formation of a dew drop, an embryo, a crystal, a snow-flake, or a budding plant. No magic in the formation of volcanoes, planets, tides, thunder-storms, waves, stars, solar-systems, tornadoes, DNA, cells or the Big Bang itself. Horses don't talk, pigs are not possessed by demons, dead people do not zombie, walk around, and float off into the sky, and baby dinosaurs didn't live on the Ark to survive a Great Flood. There is no magic in consciousness, human behavior or mental illness, and epileptics are not demon-possessed. No miracles; no magic; no supernatural; no god! Everything is natural.

I've got a challenge for all of you Bible-believing, miracle-believing Christians out there. A whole bunch of you, hundreds and thousands should gather in a mega-church along with an amputee. The Christians should pray with all of your hearts and souls, and I mean "praise Jesus" and "in the name of Jesus" prayers; y'all can even speak in tongues, but you've got to believe that your Lord will come through for you and pull off a miracle, a big one. Y'all pray that the amputee's legs grow back. I'll be there, because if I see a miracle, I'll become a Bible believing Christian. I'll be there passing out Mountain Dews to the parched. We'll stay there for days and even weeks as we pray. And we will watch as his legs do not grow back. Just think if a small, or a big, miracle was ever confirmed. Just think!


I know that by nature, we are all physical beings and we want visual proof that something or someone existed. I know God is real because I look at the world around me; the beauty of it. The flowers, waterfalls, nature, all the species of the world, the kindness and love our pets give us as we learned as Christians; animals are a gift from God and His love and comfort shines through them. Have you ever had the feeling that your pet was more loving and sweeter than any person in your life? Plus, there are so many unexplained things; people passing away and or close to death know it is their time. Here's an honest and extremely truthful story for you. My father passed away of cancer five years ago. When the doctors declared him deceased, he was lying in his bed. I waited for about 20 minutes to go see him by myself; I was alone. Suddenly, the blanket that he was covered in lifted slightly up above his body and I saw his head moved slightly upwards; now, if he passed away already, how could this be? The blanket he was covered in went back down to his body and his head went back to the pillow. I believe that was God lifting my father's soul up to Heaven. I am not making this up; this is the truth. I was happy to witness that because it helped me cope with my father's passing a little bit better and I know he is happy and restored and no longer suffering from cancer. I consider myself very lucky to have witnessed that; we all have doubts about things but, I hope one day you will come to the realization that God is real and that He loves you and believes in you too....


Thank you for the kind post. I'm very sorry for your loss.


You're welcome and thank you too for your kind words. :)


LOLing at all you who are too smart for God!!!!! Keep it up. What we know is a drop. What we don't, is an ocean.


So will you be going and praying for the amputee to grow back his limbs? I'll bet not. You know god and miracles are BS.


Like I said, your trolling isn't even done well but I'll play along a little. Praying for things doesn't mean they're going to happen and anyway, why not just pray for immortality or super powers or your own planet if you think His job is to grant prayers? Before you criticize God, maybe you should have a little understanding of Him. You're making a fool of yourself.


Forget about immortality and super-powers. I'm talking about all of you good god-believing, miracle believing Christians getting together and applying your faith to help an amputee and reveal a true miracle. Just think, if that miracle could be proven true by science: just think how many people would believe in the god of the Bible as a result. I know I would. I would at least say "sh-t, son! That was awesome!" I doubt I could ever get over god killing nearly every living thing on earth with a Great Flood, though. That was a lame move. Can you imagine worshiping a god that killed off thousands of babies, toddlers and children, I mean tore them from the grasping arms of their horrified parents;swept the kids away by the rushing waters that god commanded. Can you imagine the horror? And we're supposed to believe in this jack-ass when he can't even grow back a couple of limbs. My god, what's up with that?


Unfortunately atheists are often more narrowminded than nonatheists. Can you explain what you believe? Or it is just the belief of nonbelief, the belief in a stupid accidental universe? Of COURSE the narrow version of Christianity or any religion is ridiculous. I'm what you'd call spiritual, but not religious. Of course I accept science, but you think you disprove all religion because we can't make someone's leg grow back. Who is more ridiculous, you or a fundamentalist?
Anyway, if your mind isn't too narrow I'd recommend reading or hearing Alan Watts and/or Joseph Campbell. And I challenge you to disprove what THEY say!


i don;t really want to disprove what they say, as long as they don't profess to believe in a book where miracles happened more often than pigs in a bucket. I'm not against god, I'm afainst bull-sh-t, son!


LOL! There's somewhere around 160 miracles in the Bible which spans about 4000 years. 160 miracles in 4000 years isn't what one could call often.


Yeah, but did you look at the quality of the miracles? And why were there so few? and why zero miracles in the last 2000 years. Man, I'll take just one, but no, no miracles at all. Kind of like "where are all l those big foots people are talking about, especially now that we have cell phones?"


Jesus talked about people who SAW the miracles and still didn't believe. The fact is, people don't want to believe now, anymore than they did then. Miraculous things happen all the time that are either "explained away" or as was mentioned about cancer disappearing for no reason, "who knows why but it wasn't a miracle". People don't know miracles when the are hit in the face by them.


Everybody, if there anymore left, look at that post by chilone up there. That's the kind of stupidity I'm talking about. He claims we don't want to believe in miracles and claims "miraculous things happen all the time." when I was very clear that the types of miracles that would lead me to believe, such as an amputee growing back legs, is exactly what I don't see. That was my point: this miracle stuff is BS. Could you imagine having to be around one of those, "well miracles happen all the time" people, when your trying to make the point that they don't and can't happen, ever!


You're a moron and like I said, you're embarrassing yourself. You don't believe? Great, but ridiculing others who don't think like you is a dick move. Grow up.


Doesn't his so-called challenge seem similar to this? It does to me.


Sure does. He has the immature and self centered idea that God's purpose is to be some trained circus animal who is supposed to entertain and perform on command.


Yeah, just a pissant expecting God to jump through hoops for him.


The funny thing is, He HAS jumped through hoops for us. :)


Personally, I prefer the "still, small voice" type of manifestation :)


You and db have yourselves a little miracle-circle. Good job!


You are right, I shouldn't be ridiculing others.. My bad, but your "miraculous things happen all the time" point of view is just wrong, son. I've never seen or experienced one. Maybe a demon spirit possessing a bunch of pigs, or a talking horse, a Great Flood, a burning bush, a floating god-man, water-to-wine, an amputee growing legs, zombies walking around in numbers following the Resurrection and not being seen or recorded by anybody but a Gospel writer, would do for a miracle. I'd change on the spot, and, like I said, i'd sell Mountain dew to the parched while it was happening. Miracles like, "well, life itself is a miracle, or "it's a miracle that our universe is so fine-tuned" or "can you believe how complex human DNA is; it's miraculous" or "an unborn baby is special" are all BS and not miracles. Pretty much everything that exists is natural and not magic. Sorry, dude.


You clearly can't see the forest for the trees. It's actually your point of view that is wrong, "son". What science (which I'm a firm believer in) can explain is a drop. What it can't, is an ocean.


Okay, you might be right.


Hehe! I wish I was hit in the face by a couple of grown back limbs. That'd hurt in two, (no three) ways, but I'm pretty sure I'll just have to go on living life as if miracles are BS, son!


There is a religon board.


Dang, Laura, I didn't know. I think we've got that "miracle" thing covered over here, though.


I like your user name. There are others...


Thank you, LauraGrace


That's silly. Christianity is not really about all the malarky even through some try to push it to the greatest extent, it is mostly about how people are supposed to get along.


I wish you were right!


I'm an Agnostic, so......



Who gives a shit about this self-imposed, proud declaration of yours whenever this topic comes up? And btw, the word doesn't require capitalization.


I don't know if you are talking to me, or not, but calm down, son! And I'll Capitalize what-ever the f-ck I want. Hehe!


If you can't tell that I'm not addressing you, well that just explains everything about how screwed up your perception is doesn't it?

And there's a reason why I made an issue of his grammar. Other longtime members here would understand it.


Oh, you were addressing the agnostic, or rather, Agnostic, dude. Hehe! My bad.I tend to misspell words and capitalize incorrectly a bunch, too. Man, it hurts when you realize there are no miracles, no magic and nothing supernatural, doesn't it?


I can't relate, I'm not hurting.


It's BS because:

1. It's ideas are far too associated with fantasy than reality (if something is improbable enough, then it becomes legit to disregard it out of hand)

2. The supernatrual isn't real

3. Why would a God who wanted us to worship it, love it, obey and follow its moral commandments, not 100% prove its existence to us? It makes no sense, especially considering the penalities for not believing/following such a deity (or for following the wrong deity) are pretty harsh


I agree,completely.


I can't dispute your first two points but ...

3. The answer is love. Your view of God is a secular taught one. It's like saying you know all about those Hatfields when you were taught exclusively by McCoys.
Game it out as though you were a supreme benevolent being (aka not a petty human). If you showed up in your full glory, the world would serve you in abject terror. God says he loves us and wants our love back. Full proof of omnipotence would garner fear and obedience fueled by fear. For there to be an actual relationship with a floating god man, there has to be faith. We have to have a reasonable option to not believe. And not believing is very reasonable by common sense standards. Faith is the way humans show love of God (that and being good to each other, aka "if you love me, feed my sheep").

I am personally fine with God being the author of evolution and all other scientific phenomenon. It is a great and wonderful universe and that we understand even the tiniest sliver of it is incredible. To me, science is not the antithesis of God but rather a testament to His hand. The details of quantum physics are about as bat-shit crazy as believing in a supreme creator.
The topic of assholes who institutionalize faith and reject science is an entirely different one.


But... God expects us to follow him no matter what. Even if its left as a matter of faith, he still expects us to believe in him and threatens us with eternal torture if we don't. So what difference should it make? Except that God is an inconsiderate asshole for letting us doubt his existence (or become convinced that another deity exists), yet decides he's gonna punish us for it anyway

Again, if you want people to believe in you and obey your commandments, then there's no reason to hide your existence. This is especially true considering all the multitude of religions there are in the world. A God of love would let you know he was there and not leave any doubt.


If you held the ring in one hand and a shotgun in your other when proposing marriage while saying "You WILL marry me if you know what's good for you" then you could never be sure if your bride loved you and would even need to feed a little of each meal to the dog first.

I have a bit of a problem with the "eternal damnation" thing but there's scripture that indicates that "all will hear" the truth and that damnation is only for those that "know" but still choose to hate God. The implication is that you get to see what is what after death if you didn't in life. Fuck, I don't know what's coming after death. But I know that following basic behavior tenets in the Bible is virtually like magic. Positive impact on my life. I don't have to believe crazy allegory stories like Noah's ark to experience the benefits of faith. Nor do I have to abandon my faith in science. So despite the multitude of logic flaws and myth-blending, I believe.


The alternative is worse... Marxism, communism, critical race theory, intersectionality and pronouns all in the name of "science"... Your leading universities believe in this crap and that's happening right now.

Let's not even get into the 100s of millions of death and horrors of ideologues trying to apply "scientific" methods to organise society... Holodomor, Mao's great famine, etc... the list goes on.

The nukes... Enslavement to corporations, globalism, etc... That's what you get when you ignore the wisdom of the ancients...
