Scenes you do not understand the purpose of in films.
1/ Why do I need to see someone on the toilet, in some cases you even see them wipe themselves?
1/ Why do I need to see someone on the toilet, in some cases you even see them wipe themselves?
The first 100 minutes of "The Usual Suspects."
shareRomantic or family drama subplots in crime thrillers about desperate men with big guns, fast cars and nothing to lose.
The best crime thrillers are purely about the caper, the chase and the final showdown, the more violent the better and there should be NO time wasted on these character's personal lives. They are obsessed, violent archetypes and 'feelings' just slow down the story.
Heat was an awesome heist movie about tough guys but the family/wife stuff slowed down the momentum.
Contrast that with Drive with Ryan Gosling where there was a chaste romance that actually added to the plot without bogging the plot down with silly sex scenes and faux romantic nonsense.
The Taking Of Pelham 1-2-3, Reservoir Dogs and Dirty Harry handled crime thrillers correctly, no romance crap, we're breaking the law, we are being hunted and that's the story.