MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you know someone who has been afflict...

Do you know someone who has been afflicted with COVID-19?

I know of no one. I am in BC, Canada where cases are low.


I know someone who had the test due to working in a hospital and had the COVID antibodies so must have had it, without it either being bad, or being asymptomatic.
I also think I and my mother had it in December.
I’m in the UK.



The MIL of one of my former co-workers died from it and the brother of another co-worker had it and recovered.


Mrs Neighbor's daughter has it - she lives in Texas and naturally is worried about giving it to her husband and sons. So far, her case is mild. She has lost her senses of smell and taste.


I know people who say they had it. Based on the remote location and absence of cases here, I suspect they are lying for attention.




My wife's uncle was allegedly died from covid-19.


a co-worker of mine died from it. he was only 29.

3 friends of my sister had it. a lady friend in her 50s was told due to her previous lung issues if she gets it she'll probably die.... she got it and thought she had bronchitis. recovered easily in a few days,

her 2 other friends a couple in their 30s were kicked on their ass for weeks but recovered.


Did the 29 year old had medical issues or was immunocompromised? That's an awfully young age to die.


he didnt know of any issues. but last time i saw him he put on a lot of weight.
