Why 2020 is a disaster.......wrong silly answers only
1) 2020 is a disaster because I didn't forward that chain letter I got in 2008. Lol
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1) 2020 is a disaster because I didn't forward that chain letter I got in 2008. Lol
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2020 is a disaster because of those good for nothing trains. It's those damn trains, damn them! Phooy!
share2020 is a dishashter becaush rall I courld do wars get dhrrunk for 4 months...
2020 is a disaster because cats.
share2020 is the disastrous effect of how many times I get multiple fortunes in my fortune cookies.
share2020 is a disaster because McDonald's suspended their all day breakfast.
Mcdonalds giveth and butt face covid taketh away :(