i suppose fines could be imposed or liability attached to infecting people
perhaps insurance rates are pushed
lot's of ways to encourage compliance w/ public health
your freedom doesn't extend to the ability to willfully & needlessly infect others
What the hell does freedom have to do with health and safety measures? This has nothing to do with "politics" or "rights" it's about getting our life back.
And btw yes!! Fines should be imposed. Anyone who refuses to take proper precautions should be fined!! I have no sympathy for selfish idiots who only care about themselves. While we're at it. Karens who refuse to get vaccinated SHOULD lose their insurance and jobs! I could care less about their temper tantrums and whiny "me me me " attitudes!
Oh hells bells! Get off your dictatorial high horse! You can take it by the gallons if you can obtain it for all I and others care.There are those of us who are super sensitive to drugs. If we had an anthrax attack...well, woe for me as I cannot tolerate Cipro. I don’t get the flu shot...too many side effects. I’m damn sure I’m not going to take a Covid vaccine. No one will become aware of the adverse side affects for years. Anyone recall Thalidomide? The wonder drug for morning sickness! Thank God our officials would not permit a wide scale use of it.
BTW, you would fit in with China’s dictatorial medical rules. You really do need to find that last french fry...just sayin’
accommodation would need to be made for those with legitimate & serious demonstrably adverse reactions to a vaccine, if that is well established medically.
but refusing vaccines on a whim or based upon misinformation isn't something to be tolerated during a pandemic,
when effective vaccines are available.
that's my view.
No! It should be voluntary! What are you going to mandate next? Are you going to ban automobiles because people die in accidents?
Automobile accidents aren't contageous! You don't catch "car accidents" from others.
If you wanted to , you could literally speed on the freeway by going 500 mph while chugging booze and I wouldn't give a damn.
I'd just make sure to refuse to ride with you and drive on a completely different road and freeway!
But what gives you the right to outlaw them?
Many of the responses to this post are a reflection of what is going on now in American society. There are still too many people who are not taking this situation seriously. Their "individual freedoms" are taking precedence over the common good. They don't understand that sometimes sacrifices must be made for the welfare of the nation. It makes me wonder what would have happened if today's self-centered, entitled generation had existed during World War II.
During WWII certain foods and other commodities were rationed and shortages were commonplace. Travel was restricted due to gasoline rationing. Coastal cities had curfews and lights-out orders to make them less of a target for the enemy. Sacrifices were made to ensure the military was well-equipped. Can you imagine all the whining if this had happened to today's society? We would have lost the war.
A pandemic is a serious situation. Ignoring it will not make it go away. It's going to require some inconveniences if we hope to get it under control. Make sacrifices now, and be better off in the future.
I wish with all my heart that this virus wasn't contagous! At least then, idiots can do as they please and make a joke about it!! I wouldn't give a damn if we didn't have to give up our lives for it.
That way people could die from it all they like and we'd continue living!
What are you so mad and nasty about? Get your vaccine and you won't have to worry about getting sick. If others don't care, they'll get it, not you and all the others who get vaccinated.
shareThat's not how vaccines work though.
Right. Those who don't want it could possibly get sick. Why be mad at them? Those who get it, won't get sick.
shareVaccines work through herd immunity. Herd immunity protects everyone. If only 40% of the population get a vaccine there's really no point as covid will still keep spreading.
I wouldn't really have a problem with people not wanting to get a new vaccine if they took other precautions, but so many won't.
If you ever watch the news from Africa or India you see that they are still fighting polio. Some people don't know how good we have it here.
Because they clearly don't have the resources or enough vaccines for everyone in India and Africa. It's truly sad.
Yet, people here have so much privileges and they show no appreciation or consideration for others.
Actually, that is exactly how vaccines work. If you get vaccinated, you reduce the risk of infection. Depending on vaccine, risk can go down by over 99%. If you are not vaccinated, and you are exposed you may get infected.
shareHere’s a sobering thing to think about which doesn’t get much attention:
A chief concern is that coronaviruses do not tend to trigger long-lasting immunity. About a quarter of common colds are caused by human coronaviruses, but the immune response fades so rapidly that people can become reinfected the next year.share
Researchers at Oxford University recently analysed blood from recovered Covid-19 patients and found that levels of IgG antibodies – those responsible for longer-lasting immunity – rose steeply in the first month of infection but then began to fall again.
Last week, scientists at Rockefeller University in New York found that most people who recovered from Covid-19 without going into hospital did not make many killer antibodies against the virus.
shareIf a vaccine is backed by Bill Gates I refuse to be injected by that poison.