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Looking at another lockdown, more restrictions

Woke up this morning to news that my town is “on the brink” of another lockdown, according to the mayor....there’s been talk of it for some time now, so no surprise, but was hoping against hope.(damn, didn’t think I’d go all Romans 4: verse whatever, this shyt must be getting to me)...was looking at winding down my time here at MC as restrictions were lifted, and August is a month I need to travel in state for business related reasons....but with over 400,000 cases in the state, close to 30,000 in the last 72 hours, man, this shyt is a tough one...stay safe sisters and brothers in the fight, and maybe I’m not going away from MC anytime soon....more Stonekeeper game, Bakers Dozen, and random ramblings....

Cheers, and good health, I mean that....


I'm guessing your American, at this point I am not sure how America is going to get it back under control. We are experiencing a second wave down here which is worse than the first one and I kind of wish they would go extreme lockdown for a month as half arsed measures don't seem to be working.


Yes, your guess, is correct...I was for the extreme measures at the beginning, but the powers-that-be dragged their feet...I went to a department store last week, my first trip outside in over 2 months minus the grocery store and daily exercise, and it was an most things in the states, unless there is the political will or benefit, nothing happens...I won’t go into specifics as to not offend my fellow comrades, but a few governors, and one in a neighboring state, just don’t seem to have the proper perspective in dealing with this ordeal....

But all in all, good times!


Georgia? That fucking guy.


Lol...morning, Miss F and T...yeah, and some argue it should be Abrams making the call, but not my place....too early for that kind of talk, and politics, I pass...




Everything reopened too early. The U.S. has yet to get over the first wave of the pandemic, and will most likely go directly into the second wave, with no lapse in between. Don't be surprised if there are further lockdowns. Hopefully they will get it right the next time.


Yeah, j-k80, nothing surprises me with this ordeal....I knew who was in charge, and they have problems dealing with the normal shyt they were elected to take care of, so no surprise...don’t want to make this political, not my thing on the interwebs, but that seems to be a factor in what position one takes in looking how to deal with this dilemma...polarizing to say the least, I can only imagine how it will look in November on the first Tuesday after the first Monday ...


Hard not to cross the lines into the political but... in America you have all those BLM riots and in my state down here our idiot Premier allowed BLM protests this was just as things were opening up again, I think that played a major role in people's mindset. So many people did the right thing down here and when they saw the protests being allowed it was just too much and no one cared anymore. Our premier also totally stuffed up the hotel quarantine system.

Anyway, I can see why in America things were opened up early as the US lacks the social support system that countries like Australia has, it seems a lot of people in the States were pushing for things to be opened up again and didn't care about the cost in terms of deaths and suffering. Not to mention action was taken way too late in the game.


I love my sisters and brothers, but too many are shortsighted and take the ‘freedom’ thing for granted...I hope we get it right, and soon....forget ‘soon’, I’ll just take getting on the right path...

To think I used to spout off about “anarchy” and live like an animal....but I was a silly punk kid, I’ve since grown up, somewhat...

Good times!


I never grew out of that. I think I wanna kick everyone’s ass even more so now. Living like an animal... if only.

reply do you, froggy, it’s works and I’m sure your man and pals love you for it, as do some of your buds here at MC


Thanks, but I don’t care if I’m liked. Even though I think humans are a disgrace to this planet, I just don’t have the ability to give up on us. I don’t understand why people equate success with money. I realize we’re all pretty insignificant, but I see no point in existing if we’re not trying to change things for the better. If I become apathetic I’m already dead.


I get it...for being introverted and somewhat of a loner, I still like helping people, no matter how dire the situation...but, no doubt, that’s being tested right now..I’m not, however, giving up, and I don’t think I ever will...

Apathy; whenever I hear that word I always think of the 90s, my college years, grunge, fuck everything attitudes, late nights in a dorm room with associates talking and trying to solve the worlds problems....goes with out saying, we didn’t find a way to solve anything, but we tried...the beer and the bong might have been in the way...


The United States of Doomnation. We’re fucked.




Now they are saying schools have to open. Are our politicians that fucking stupid?


They do appear stupid, but they are actually extremely calculating. It's all about money, furthering their own careers, and pandering to the big campaign donors.


My theory is half the working people use school as day care also so they can’t work if they have to stay home with kids. They want people working so they are prepared to sacrifice lives for the economy.


Social D😀


✅....this song reminds me of you, must be the lyrics....



Thanks, good pick☺️


A doctor and his child walk masked down the street. The child asks his father "When is it OK for us to stop wearing masks?" The father replies "How should I know? I'm not a politician."


Lol....Feelin’ you, artisan!


"I'm a doctor, not a politician."


Thanks. I botched that. Much better polish on that punch.


Your punchline was great. I was just channeling my inner Dr. McCoy.


No, I think your way is the way I was told the joke originally. Your McCoy spirit guide has served you well (and me).


I still got where you were going, well done...and thanks, j-k80, I’m going to use it for future chuckles....




Everyone talks like they "know". The maskers know. The anti-maskers know, but the truth is, no one knows except for the people who aren't telling.


I understand where you’re coming from, C...too much information, too little information, right info, wrong info...I’m just going to trust my better judgment...August is a big month for me, and I can’t just sit still any longer, my livelihood and mental well-being depends on me getting some things done...I will use caution and be considerate to others when I’m out and NBA bubble here, I live in the real world, and I must be constructive with my time despite these trying circumstances....


They're supposed to lift our gym restriction July 27. So I'm praying that doesn't change🙂


Hello, Miss crum....I hope you’re feeling better...yes, for some people exercise and physical exertion is so important, I can understand not having a gym open can be tough....I’m fortunate that I can get my exercise without the benefit of a gym; I mostly run and do body weight exercises at home...

July 27, I’ll hope with you...


All over the country the second wave is upon us, and it's already worse than the first and gaining ground.

We've largely brought it on ourselves. When the government lifted legal restrictions it was up to each and every one of us to behave sensibly and avoid spreading the virus, and far too many of us refused to do that. Plus, we elected some monumental idiots to office, and they aren't doing shit, and we're all going to suffer for their stupidity as well as our own.


Greetings Miss Otter, hope all is well, and you said it’s like the less sensible among us just need to have it affect them directly or someone close to them for it to be taken seriously....and, without a doubt, the lack of leadership at all levels, but most strikingly at the national level, has led to a response that could be deemed, to put it nicely, insufficient...I have mixed feelings on responses from the state and federal level...on one hand, I understand the governors need to take charge of their specific situation...on the other hand, some federal guidance and cooperation would have been helpful...too late to go back and change it, and not useful to play Monday morning I said in a previous post, it makes November 3rd so much more important ....still, no matter that outcome, we have our work cut out for us...I hope for the best, but my confidence is waning....and the outcome, no matter which side comes out on top, has the potential to cause more problems....America, ain’t we somethin’?

But I love this place, so I’m here for the long haul, and will do what I can to help...In the past, I’ve volunteered at food banks and other social services, I may do the same come autumn...I hope I’m here and healthy enough to be able to do it...cheers...
