Since this post has been bumped...
I agree that nudity is natural and that there are too many places which are too uptight about it. Living in places where nudity was normal, and no one batted an eye if you were naked on a beach because everyone was, was liberating for me in my teens and I've felt that way ever since. I belong to a naturalist club where I live. We aren't a community, as live naked, but we have nude swims, nude bike rides, nude scuba classes, nude nights at the art gallery...that sort of thing. These are all ages events, and the community is really strict because they are all ages. There is absolutely nothing sexual about these events. I mean once you are used to being around naked people, there really isn't any allure to the naked body anymore.
That being said, because this society is so uptight, and there is such a misconception about what pedophilia really is (a 20 year old dating a 17 year old is not a pedophile) I think it probably best that they leave child nudity out of films. There is the chance of ulterior motives, and then there is a chance that the child may comeback and try to sue later. (justifiable or not). Until society is okay with the human body, and doesn't need to sexualize every part of it, why create the shit storm?