Proud Chad & Karen In Oregon Say They’re "Perfectly Healthy" And Don’t Need A Mask
I don't understand people.
We have to retire the old expression "Avoid it like the plague".
Apparently people don't actually avoid plagues.
the chinese commies running WHO said we didnt need masks and people who used them were looked at like crazy. now all the sheeple want u to wear masks. who knows who to trust anymore. i kinda just want to get the virus and get it overwith so i dont get injected some some shady mcfranklinstein vaccine
shareThen wear a mask.
shareu just make yourself more susceptible to get messed up wearing a mask. u can get lung infections and shit plus it messes with ur airflow to ur brains and is just plain annoying. im only 25 i am not worried about no virus
share"im only 25 i am not worried about no virus"
Well that's great for you. Not so great for the elderly person you spread it to while you're walking about mask-free with all that unrestricted airflow to your brain (??)
Just wear a mask.
survival of the fitness man. there is too many old people taking up tax money. all my grandparents are already dead so i aint too worried about this whole thing
shareAnd this is exactly why the virus is out of control. People with the "I don't care about it so fuck you if you're vulnerable, as long as I don't die I don't give a shit" attitude.
You said you want the virus to be over but you can't even be bothered take a small preventative measure like a wearing a mask yourself. I don't think anyone here can help you with that, you're just going to have to put up with it and hope that not everyone has such a selfish, careless attitude as yourself.
sharetroll alert
shareThis virus hates capitalism I am thinking, wouldn't be weird if it killed us off and USA were no longer a super power anymore because not enough is being done because the every man woman and child for themselves mentality.
shareAre these the tweeps that were put on house arrests and locked into ankle locator bracelets?
If so, they should have been fined thousands as well. If people won't follow common sense precautions to keep from spreading the plague out of common decency, let them do it out of fear.
Can people please stop using racist terms like "Karen" (and apparently "Chad" now as well)?