MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Favorite Secluded Movies On An Island/Wa...

Favorite Secluded Movies On An Island/Water?

Last Day of Summer (1958) -- considered an "experimental auteur" flick, but don't let that scare you. It's about a man who meets a woman, and there's no one else in the movie (which I like, too)..

"Hell in the Pacific" is a really cool movie with only two characters (Toshiro Mifune, Lee Marvin), but its a lot of jungle.

A ton of Bergman movies. "Persona" is probably the best movie out of the bunch.

Unfortunately if you google this, you see nothing but stranded movies.




"Jaws" and "Dead Calm"


"Father Goose", a movie where Cary Grant plays a beachcomber who just wants to lie around a South Pacific Island, and is disgruntled to have his alcohol-fueled paradise interrupted by WWII. And Leslie Caron, and some schoolgirls.

It's a sweet, fluffy, silly movie, and very funny. Cary Grant is EVERYTHING!!!


Donovan's Reef (1963) /tt0057007

John Wayne comedy on an island. PC warning: John Wayne spanks the leading lady.


As a child - Swallows and Amazons (1974)
