Sci-fi Films
Science-fiction is such a broad category of storytelling, and there are lots of plum candidates for the top spot. 2001: A Space Odyssey gets listed a lot, but how can you compare that to Star Wars?
Some people want cerebral head-games or thought experiments, others want metaphors for the human condition told through scientific advancement. Or maybe what you look for in sci-fi is different? The exploration of a strange, new world. Or is it just laser gunning that you crave?
Here are my questions:
What kind of science-fiction is your favourite? (ie, what do you look for in a great sci-fi?)
What is your favourite sci-fi flick?
For me, I'd have to say that I love it when theoretical, scientific concepts (usually supposed or anticipated technological advancement, but could be more outlandish like aliens or "psychics") are used to explore humanity.
2001 might be the best example of this, but I was also really enthralled recently by Arrival and its exploration of both language and time (and aliens!) as a catalyst to thinking about fate, family, connection, and harmony/balance in our personal lives.