I'm guessing we'll have to. I don't recognize the last 3 entries:) I'll try to do it without looking but I've never heard of Avalanche Express or David Hess.
In her original plan, tcrum wanted people to post from memory only. But that is not posted in the Rules above. (People would probably look up the answers anyway, or the game would sit idle for obscure posts.)
Since a rule is that you cannot make consecutive posts, you could have the previous poster verify the accuracy of the next post. But it is unlikely that they would hang around to do that. Otherwise someone would have to be a referee and check all the posts for accuracy. So I don't think relying on memory could work.
Instead of stopping after 11 or 20 posts, I suggest that you just let the game run perpetually, until it is impossible to make another post. The thread could actually end if someone posts a performer who only appeared in one film. It could be fun to see how long the thread goes before that happens. Hundreds of posts? Thousands?
You don't have a "no repeats" rule for titles or performers. If you let the thread run long, it would be too much work to check on that anyway.
I don't like the idea of just letting it run, it will get too confusing. We are at #20 right now. Who ever answers that should start another thread titled Movie Chain...what ever phrase you like, "winner take all" etc. We'll close it at 20 just like bakers dozen.