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What did you watch this week colleagues? (14/06-20/06)

Life is super crazy and slowly going back to the normal crazy. Let's all enjoy simple pleasures of life while staying safe shall we?

As for movies:

A family man (2016 TV): What a well acted, well written and powerful little film! I felt so strongly for the characters that I can barely explain why. Simple, true, honest, deep and sad. And by all that I mean that I cried like a baby. a Metascore of 21 and tomatometer of 13% is just inhuman. Bunch of fucking robots. Critics might be uncomfortable with Butler playing in a drama, especially with the two crap movies he made before this one. My rating: 7.5/10

The meaning of life (1983 TV): Terry Gilliam is one of my favourite directors but I’m not a huge fan of the holy grail, which I saw twice, so I wasn’t in a hurry to watch this one. First of all, it’s one of the craziest comedies I ever saw. Secondly, it’s one of the best comedies I ever watched. I regret waiting for so long but I loved pretty much every bit of it.
“The world is a beautiful place you must go into it and love everyone try to make everyone happy and bring peace and contentment everywhere you go”
. 8/10

Neighbors 2:Sorority Rising (2016 TV): I was a little bit drunk when I watched the first half but I finished it the next day and was quite enjoyable. I really liked the part where Zac Efron switch sides and Seth Rogen asked him what he’s getting out of this and he answers “ honestly I just want to be valued”. The movie has a good energy although I could’ve done without the first scene and the party scenes were a bit crappy. My rating: 6/10

Parasite (2019 DVD): This was the most anticipated movie of the year for me and not only because of the Oscars but also because it’s one of my favourite directors. Parasite has been so hyped up that it was the obvious contender to become my favorite film from him but it did not succeed. It is a great movie and some scenes are amazing but it didn’t get to me that much. My rating: 8/10

Bong Joon Ho:
Barking dogs never bite: 9/10
The host: 8/10
Parasite: 8/10
Mother: 7.5/10
Snowpiercer: 7.5/10
Okja: 7.5/10
Tokyo!: 7.5/10


The Accused (1949) 6/10
Early Spring (1956) 7/10
Under the Roofs of Paris (1930) 6/10
Broadway Melody of 1940 (1940) 8/10
Cover Girl (1944) 10/10
The Sky's the Limit (1943) 6/10
Easter Parade (1948) 7/10
Brigadoon (1954) 7/10


Haven’t seen these


Last Shift 2015 This was a rewatch for me. I remembered it being better, but it was still well acted, and atmospheric. 6/10
Married With Children marathon.


Never heard of it


Parasite - 7.5/10. The ending was a little over the top.


Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising: 7/10
Parasite: 8/10

Elephant (2003) - Expected better from this one. An 81-minute movie that felt like it was at least 2 hours. There were a few parts that were interesting but not many. (6/10)

Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (2007) - Really good, and underrated. Not a moment of happiness in the entire movie. I didn't think the nonlinear narrative was really necessary, but it didn't detract from the story that much. I think this should be more highly regarded. (8/10)

The Brood (1979) - It was interesting, some was a bit bumpy with a really good final act. (7/10)

Yoga Hosers (2016) - No, I'm not proud of myself for liking this movie. But guess what? I did.

You Should Have Left (2020) - I thought this could be good, but it wasn't. It was dull and lifeless. I felt like I'd seen it a hundred times before. You Should Have Left? Yeah, I should have left this one on the shelf. (5/10)

Under the Silver Lake (2018) - I liked it. Had a good mysterious feel to it. Probably a little too long and maybe overly complicated, but it was interesting. (7/10)

Arkansas (2020) - I thought it looked good, but it was pretty flat. It might have been a little bit better if they hadn't killed a certain character early on. (6/10)

There's Something About Mary (1998) - Liked it better than I thought. It was really funny, especially in the second half. (8/10)

Last Days (2005) (6/10)


Before the Devil knows you’re dead: it’s alright. 6/10

There’s something about Mary: classic! 7.5/10

Last days: 6/10


I saw "Brick Mansions" and it was horrid to watch. The only good about this movie is Paul Walker.


Oh yeah that’s a bad one.

See Banlieue 13 instead
