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Death by hospital

Some heroic whistleblowers are coming forward to expose this insanity. Healthy people are entering hospitals and ending up dead. I mean who in their right mind if they knew what being on a vent means would agree to it. Below is a link to nurse Erin and she says exactly what I suspected: they are told "it's something to help them breath better". Then next thing you know: cremation time. Like the police we need to start the medical field over again from scratch with noninvasive holistic methods to replace the currently extremely sick system.
If you're sick my best advice is stay away from hospitals.


haha good one


I think I heard that with people avoiding hospitals and doctors during this coronavirus pandemic the overall death rate has actually gone down.


Yes, definitely.


I saw her on the news last night. I would like to hope this is the exception rather than the rule, but makes me think if I get this I'll take my chances at home. I'd rather croak in my own bed than in a hospital.

I don't however don't agree with just throwing medical science out the door. I respect doctors and medicine but I do think many people are overly dependent on pharmaceuticals - it's a slippery slope. I know because my husband takes a multitude of drugs that his doctors insist are essential to his well being. I avoid all drugs like the plague and only take them when absolutely necessary.


Yes, this example is Elmhurst Hospital in Queens, which is the epicenter. As Erin says it's like 3rd world medical care and no staff aside from her knows what they're doing. I have relatives in the medical field, but they work at the top facilities. In general I believe in holistic natural methods, not the extremely invasive ones many docs and hospitals use. Everyone should have an "Advanced Healthcare Directive" which states no extraordinary measures. There is only one thing worse than death that I know of, and that's being on those vents and/or other extremely invasive hospital procedures against your will.
