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What did you watch on this protesting week (31/05-06/06)

Let's keep our protesting peaceful lads and let's watch movies. Yes, yes.

My week:

Into the forest (2015 TV): This Canadian thriller has a solid cast, is shot like a pro, has a good premise and a good final act but for most part of the movie I failed to connect with the characters and barely cared about what happened. I also found some of the ideas implemented pretty dumb. My rating: 5/10

Team America: World police (2004 Netflix): Still fun and entertaining but slightly less funny then I remembered it to be. Some good jokes, just not as many as I thought. The background songs explaining the scenes were cool but when it was a character singing, it was pretty bad. My rating: 7/10

Jojo Rabbit (2019 Blu-ray): This movie reminded me of Moonrise Kingdom and I think it would please Wes Anderson fans. Waititi’s style is defined but similar. This was my fourth movie from him and my third favourite. Sam Rockwell was great and the rest of the cast was alright. The last 20 minutes was particularly special. My rating: 8/10

Let’s rate these for fun:
What we do in the shadows 9/10
Hunt for the wilder people: 8.5/10
Moonrise kingdom: 8/10

We die young (2019 TV): Some fans said that JCVD did a great job in this one. Well this fan right here dosn’t know if he did a great job or not but his character did not work at all. A mute that dosent use sign language...?? It made the conversations other character had with him very awkward and unnatural. He would sometime answer using Siri and sometime using his amazing facial expressions. Otherwise the movie is a mediocre gang movie with a good cast of young kids who brought an interesting energy to the film that made it almost worth it. Almost... but the crappy editing ruined most of it. My rating: 4.5/10

Saving Silverman (2001 TV): I always loved this movie. Each actor/actress is perfectly casted, Lee Ermey and Zahn both bring energy to this fast pace and hilarious comedy. I’d take a dose of Wayne before a dose of Stiffler any day of the week. My rating: 7.5/10



Shit, I striked out this week but I own The Apartment but am yet to watch it.


Horror of the Stone Women (1960) 6/10
A Lesson in Love (1954) 6/10
Violent City (1970) 6/10
God Told Me To (1976) 6/10
Never Rarely Sometimes Always (2020) 7/10
Moonrise (1948) 6/10


Thanks for contributing Zack but I haven’t seen these.



which haven't you seen?


All of your movies


Alien (1979) - I watch this every few years. Still a classic. 8.5/10

Apocalypto (2006) - First time view. It's a great action film regardless of historical accuracy. 8/10

Two TV series:

Homecoming (2020) S2 - Love this series with the 26 minute episodes. Chris Cooper was great and they wrapped it up nicely. 7.5/10

The Outsider (2020) S1 - There was a lot of dialogue in this series and it doesn't lead anywhere. The ending was anticlimatic.


Alien: 7.5/10. I’m more a fan of the sequel.

I might buy Apocalypto now. Unless it’s on Netflix


My ratings of your watches.

Into the Forest (2015): Decent but underwritten. 6/10

Team America World Police (2004): As spot-on as ever. 8/10

Jojo Rabbit (2019): Trash. If a movie's marketing needs to explain exactly what it is, that's a reflection of the final product. The 'wacky Hitler' idea has been done before, and I didn't see anything fresh with this approach. Sam Rockwell was brilliant as always, and his character deserves a better movie. 4/10.

We Die Young (2019): JCVD is overall making better movie choices now than he did in the 90s, and this perfectly mediocre potboiler is no exception. 6/10.

Saving Silverman (2001): It's technically decent. 5/10.

Here are some highlights from the week of yours truly.

The Vast of Night (2020): I don't know if I'll see a better movie this year. 5 bags of popcorn with 5 bags hovering over them in the sky. 10/10.

Star Trek Beyond (2016): Best Star Trek movie of the last 20 years at least, hands down. The crew visits new worlds, makes contact with other people, and they work together in the end to solve common problems. If I'm being nitpicky, Spock was given an appropriately emotion but not entirely solid ending. 5 bags of popcorn and 4 more traveling ahead at warp speed. 9/10.

Me and You and Everyone We Know (2005): Got the newly released Criterion bluray and was not disappointed. 5 bags and 5 more nuanced bags of individually crafted gourmet popcorn to add flavor. 10/10.

Valley Girl (2020): Jessica Rothe is an improvement over whoever was originally cast as the title character, and the jukebox songs are a catchy collection, yet no Nic Cage is an automatic detriment. Enough memorable tracks make it worth a watch. 7/10.

Taking Lives (2004): A pretty solid star-studded mystery/thriller. 5 bags and a couple sodas. 7/10.

Inside Moves (1980): Another rewatch. Richard Donner has always been considered more of a journeyman than an auteur, but this movie showcase his ability to craft a heartfelt character-based social drama. I know some people go on about how a movie like _____ is a "hidden gem", but this is something that I honestly have not heard anyone mention. I wouldn't have minded a longer runtime. 9/10.

Screams of Blasphemy (1991): Grotesque quasi-cyberpunk take on Pinocchio. My kind of fairy tale. 8/10.


I didn’t like Into darkness so no interest in beyond.

Me you and everyone we know Looks interesting plus you rate it perfectly.

You’d have to pay me to watch Valley girl.

Taking lives: 6/10 she wasn’t pregnant!!

The plot summary for screams of blasphemy is hilarious And I would watch it for sure


I've been watching a lot of children's programming. Masha and the Bear, Mighty Mike, Wild Kratts, Teen Titans, Dinosaur King, a lot of bad YouTube. Makes my head swim.


I never heard the expression makes my head swim before.
As long as you’re having fun that’s what counts my friend.


I work with a little kid who has a disability, so we watch stuff he likes. Some of it's fun, the youtube stuff is pretty bad.
Has opened my eyes to what passes for children's entertainment these days.



-Tangled (2010)
This movie is sooo underrated and sooo much better than Frozen. It's very reminiscent of the Renaissance movies from the 90s.

-Alien (1979)
I'm not a huge fan of sci-fi and space movies, but this is a great classic. I like it much better than the sequels, because it's more subtle and realistic.

TV Shows

-Blackadder - marathon

-The Bold and the Beautiful - marathon of very old episodes

-The Golden Girls - marathon


I watched Alien also 👍👍


Oh, so that was you looking in through the window!


i wasn't looking at the movie. 😉


Tangled: 7/10

Alien: I prefer the sequel. 7.5/10


Into the forest and Jojo Rabbit are on my list!
I've seen Saving Silverman a while ago, but I remember it was at least 7/10. I love Amanda Peet.

I watched:
Green Room (2015): Graphic violence, punk music and Imogen Poots. What's not to like? 8/10


Green room: oh yeah! 7.5/10



Joker---9/10-I actually found the movie even better, Because due to the recent events of The George Floyd Protests, I now find one of the major problems I had with the movie to now be a STRONG Point...

The first few times I watched Joker, I just didnt buy The "Outrage/Protest's" angle of the movie...I did not feel they set it up well enough, and didnt think it made sense the whole city would riot and start killing "The Rich" based off Arthur's Lone Subway killing...

But man after The events of The Last 3 weeks....This Movie absolutely NAILED it...

watching the movie now, It is Perfect....and Arthur's Killing In The Subway absolutely could have been The "Lone event" to ignite the city into chaos....From the moment the movie starts, they set many times "The city" already is in Protest, They make clear theres already unrest going on....before recent events took place(The George Floyd situation) I just didnt think that was enough to really believe the City would erupt into chaos from Arthur's Killings...But NOW....It seems perfect, NOW, I can completely see how the movie sets up the city is already on the brink, Theres already lines being drawn between the rich and Poor, and Arthur's Killings Of The "Rich" could absolutely ignite the city and cause The Riots and Rage we see in the movie...

also rewatched-


Godzilla King Of The Monsters-6/10




I own Joker and plan to watch it soon.

Shazam: 7.5/10

Signs: 7/10
