What did you watch on this protesting week (31/05-06/06)
Let's keep our protesting peaceful lads and let's watch movies. Yes, yes.
My week:
Into the forest (2015 TV): This Canadian thriller has a solid cast, is shot like a pro, has a good premise and a good final act but for most part of the movie I failed to connect with the characters and barely cared about what happened. I also found some of the ideas implemented pretty dumb. My rating: 5/10
Team America: World police (2004 Netflix): Still fun and entertaining but slightly less funny then I remembered it to be. Some good jokes, just not as many as I thought. The background songs explaining the scenes were cool but when it was a character singing, it was pretty bad. My rating: 7/10
Jojo Rabbit (2019 Blu-ray): This movie reminded me of Moonrise Kingdom and I think it would please Wes Anderson fans. Waititi’s style is defined but similar. This was my fourth movie from him and my third favourite. Sam Rockwell was great and the rest of the cast was alright. The last 20 minutes was particularly special. My rating: 8/10
Let’s rate these for fun:
What we do in the shadows 9/10
Hunt for the wilder people: 8.5/10
Moonrise kingdom: 8/10
We die young (2019 TV): Some fans said that JCVD did a great job in this one. Well this fan right here dosn’t know if he did a great job or not but his character did not work at all. A mute that dosent use sign language...?? It made the conversations other character had with him very awkward and unnatural. He would sometime answer using Siri and sometime using his amazing facial expressions. Otherwise the movie is a mediocre gang movie with a good cast of young kids who brought an interesting energy to the film that made it almost worth it. Almost... but the crappy editing ruined most of it. My rating: 4.5/10
Saving Silverman (2001 TV): I always loved this movie. Each actor/actress is perfectly casted, Lee Ermey and Zahn both bring energy to this fast pace and hilarious comedy. I’d take a dose of Wayne before a dose of Stiffler any day of the week. My rating: 7.5/10