MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Are you glad the golden age of Tom Brady...

Are you glad the golden age of Tom Brady's career and the New England Patriots is over?

I sure am. Nothing against Tom Brady, he is a great guy and a great quaterback, but I am sick of him being good all the time and I'm sick of ESPN worshiping him and the New England Patriots 24/7.

Also, at least 50% of Patriots are dumb bandwagon fans that have no connection whatsoever to New England sports and only root for whoever is good in the NFL.


Does the sun rise in the east?

Some people just like to say they're fans because the Pats have been so good and now, when I think they will be going into a dry spell, the fan base will drop off.

True fans stick around through thick and thin - just like my Dolphins.

But back to Brady - watch out for TB - as long as the NFL season is a go this year, he is going to have a great year - especially since Gronk is with him.


What if BB wins another SB with Jarret Stidham...then what?


Well that won't happen this year. Regardless of me disliking Brady, he was a great leader and team motivator. I don't see Stidham just suddenly becoming what Brady was to the Pats.

And frankly, as long as NE never has a perfect season as long as Belichick is the HC, I don't care what else they do.


in 2001, BB won a SB with a no-name QB that was a first year starter.... I believe it was Tom Brady the "Game Manager".

It's totally possible to happen.


Go Tom Brady!


I'm so sick of hearing about them, too. Let's get some new teams into the postseason.


"Tom Brady...has just become the first 50 year old to win the Super Bowl."


LOL - wouldn't surprise me.


I thought this was about the dad in The Brady Bunch.


His life ended sadly.


I don't know anything about him, but I'm sorry to hear his life had a bad ending.


Robert Reed died on May 12, 1992, at the age of 59, in Pasadena, California. Initially attributed to colon cancer, his death was later revealed to have been hastened by AIDS. Reed was survived by his daughter, Karen Baldwin, from a short-lived marriage in the 1950s. As a gay man, Reed had struggled to hide his sexuality during his Hollywood years. "He was an unhappy person," Florence Henderson said. "I think had Bob not been forced to live this double life, I think it would have dissipated a lot of that anger and frustration."

I found this interesting, from the same website

Born in 1932, American actor Robert Reed studied acting at Northwestern University and the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in London.


Well that's very sad. I've no idea what he even looked like since I doubt I've ever seen a Brady Bunch all the way through. Just bits and bobs of it. Ditto The Partridge Family. (I always mix them up, but think BB was the one with Jan.)


Yes and I grew up in New England. New England sports fans can be a little too much. Never warmed to this guy. Obviously he is talented but he has a blank personality.


As a fan of another team in the AFC I am happy that he has moved on. It was good to see KC (not my team) go in and win it all. There can be too much of a good thing when it comes to football and NE overstayed its welcome considerably. By 2010 it was no longer this sad franchise but full of primma donna personalities owner included.


the patriots will still cheat.
