MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is rock music dead?

Is rock music dead?

I am not a big rock fan but I was listening to the radio station today which plays a lot of variety type music and Staind's "it's been a while" came on. I thought, man they don't play this type of music on main stream radio anymore. Then I thought again they don't play any type of rock music anymore.

The last type of rock music that was popular with the general audience that I know was something
From the fallout boys. Rock has been here since the 50s and always been in the top 3 in music but now it seems that even Country music is more popular than it. What happen?


I hope it's not dead! I really like rock music.


This will be long.

Music styles and tastes change over the years. The way music is made and recorded changes over the years. And the quality of how we listen to music has also changed a lot. So, every generation gets something new and different.

The way each new generation is introduced to music has vastly changed over the past 20 years as well.
I'm 45, so any music I heard when I first heard popular music was whatever my parents were listening to on the radio or any LP that they had bought. I also think that because there was only radio in the car, I was exposed to mainstream music earlier than my kids who were forced to listen to kids' music CDs (not my choice).
Later, when I was in my teens and developed a taste if my own, my choice was still limited to either radio or LPs my friends' older brothers had.
If there was some music which I really did want to listen to whenever I wanted, I would have to go OUTSIDE and CATCH A BUS, and go to a MUSIC STORE and P A Y for what I wanted to hear. So I was very cautious about what music I bought. Today, you can hear anything with the click of a button, where ever you are, and whenever you want.

Music today is much easier and much cheaper to make. Home recording on computers over the last 20 years has given the opportunity for many to make music that could not do it before. But because it's so much easier to make music on a computer, fewer people are learning musical instruments like the Guitar and Drums. This, in my opinion, has had a huge negative impact on Rock simply because there are fewer people recording rock music. When I was in high school, there were three rock bands. In my son's school today (which is about the same size), there is only one.


Certainly not as popular as it used to be. Kids today mostly seem to want music that was largely made on a computer and sounds like it.

Some are keeping it alive, though. I have one nephew who likes rock and metal more than a lot of the trendier stuff. I also see some youngsters making that kind of music on YouTube. They have decent sized followings, though hardly anything like the acts that dominate the charts today.
