

Been told that I should have been a speaker of some kind or a singer maybe.
I'm happy with who I am, tho.


Funny, from the time I was in my late teens to the time I was around 40, I was told that I had a good radio voice...like announcer or DJ (I can't sing a note). In my late 30s I checked out the famous (or infamous) Columbia School of Broadcasting. After a little tour of the facility and talking to the head of that particular location, realized it wasn't for me--you really have to have an acting bug, even for just an announcer job. Wasn't into it. One funny thing, when I called the place the person who answered the phone had a radio voice...well I should have expected that, but didn't.

But no one tells me that anymore. Maybe too many cigarettes over the years (I recently quit).


I think a radio voice is probably mostly about attitude. Wolfman Jack, for example. Or even Howard Stern.


howard stern has a tremendous voice


And looks like hammered shit lol!
Just shows to go ya ;)


I'm gonna be honest man.. I have no idea what you are actually asking.

If you are wondering how Luke Wilson got famous, I don't really have the answer.



Have you shared this plan with your health professionals...?



I'd get a second opinion if I were you.



Fill your boots then.


Ok, brother. Follow your dreams, just be safe, alright?


schizophrenia and paranoia stem from acting aspirations? With all due respect, that would be a symptom, not a cause.



Yes, that's what schizophrenia is. And you're cured now? Or have it completely under control? (not sure what you mean by "dealt" with it)


I'm not a mental health professional by any means, but being on the spotlight doesn't sound like the best idea for you. Ever thought of getting into something behind the scenes? You could still see your name roll in the credits and get that '15 minutes' type of satisfaction.

Just a thought. By all means, if you want to be an actor, go for it. Just be prepared for a lot of rejection and judgement. I'm just not sure if paranoia and being in the public eye are things that go hand in hand very well. Not judging you man.. we all got our own stuff to deal with lol



Follow your dreams.

Just don't forget that I supported you when nobody else did.

I think that's worth at least 5% of your first movie royalty check.



Well, mental-health problems and show business is like oil and vinegar. You do whatever you feel, and maybe you'll be lucky, or at least get it out of your system. But, don't' do it expecting to be $$ well-off; that would be a fluke
And one more thing about being an actor: maybe you were meant for something better.


Funny, it's being an actor that would cause me anxiety. They can have it.


Stage Fright!


No not that. I have actually performed on the stage as a child in local productions with just the usual nerves. But the thing with actors I think is do you ever really know who they are ? It's not a mentally healthy way of life or at least I don't think so.


But your cynical, scornful, sarcastic, antagonistic way is. Gotcha!


Well I wouldn't recommend that beavis become a life long targeted individual either because that would most definitely not be good for his mental or physical health.


Ok, I'll take that as an admission that my descriptors of you are accurate.


And I will take that as an admission of complicity or evidence of ignorance on your part.


Another admission on your part and I can hardly be ignorant if I can read you so well.


You know for somebody who comes across as being so clueless you sure have a lot of arrogance.


LOL, that's rich! Not a single denial to my allegations yet I'm clueless.


Allegations !? That's funny I thought they were adjectives...


Oh, now it's nitpicky semantics, lol.


I thought they were compliments!
db is a dickhead to me too.


Ah well live by the sword die by the sword.


You're so bitter when you're the one that screwed up. Fuck-ups of a feather, flocking together.


There's that clueless arrogance again.


See what I mean.


how is Quasimodo being cynical, scornful, sarcastic, antagonistic? For being wary of beavis being in the acting business?


You need to take a look at his posting history over a period of months to get that and like I've pointed out, he hasn't denied it.


Ok. But on this particular thread, I meant.


This thread can't be isolated from context, his history here.


db20db is probably butthurt about something I said to them some time in the past and is looking for payback. I don't remember what it was if that's the case. But then I say a lot of things to a lot of people here and being polite is not always a virtue of mine for reasons I have explained.


Maybe you should just "flounce back off the stage" once again. lol!



Oh that was you was it ! Now I understand. Well go for it dude you can fill your boots too !


Oh, you finally got the punchline and I'm the one that's clueless, lol.


Oh don't mistake me I still think you are clueless, or complicit.


Oh, I'm not mistaking you and what you think of me means zilch but thanks for the laughs tonight.


Simple things...


Take solace in the fact that NOBODY, except for serious triva geeks, will know who Luke Wilson was in 60 years.

Time can be cruel to people used to fame.


i find him amusing. like his brother owen too. he's a good goofball. and made a nice living at it.


They are both fine actors, with seemingly good reputations in Hollywood.

However, I don't think either of them have made a movie that will be well remembered 50 years from now.
