Your thoughts on Starbucks?
I think it's vile.
shareDepends on the crew managing it. Some are awful but one near me, a drive thru, makes great lattes and cappuccinos. Strong!
shareI'm not a Starbucks junkie but I like their eggs sous vide and Ill get their Espresso Lite double shots in convenience stores on occasion.
Overall I like the company. It humors me that some loony Christians went apeshit over their cups a few years back.
I don't care for the coffee by itself, but I love their hot beverages and frappuccinos.
shareThey’re ok - I may go in once a month for a cappuccino.
shareTry not to drink that often because it’s not good at all for anyone’s health but I like their frapuccinos : especially white mocha and Charamel Macchiato.
I know I love my super sweet beverages a lot but because they are so bad try to just drink them once a month and go for the small size.