Anyone old enough to remember keys?
Seems they’ve all gone to push button ignition 🤔
shareMy Ford requires a key but my Chevy is push button...I prefer a key
shareMy company car was a Ford Escape, but when I retired last month I turned it in. It had a push button.
My 2008 Miata has a key. Either way is OK with me but the fob was nice with the Ford because I didn't need to use a key to unlock my car. As long as the fob was on my person, I could unlock my door by just walking up to it.
I'm usually stupidly stubborn about changes lol, but I can see the convenience of the push button👍
shareSame lol, I don’t think anyone likes change and for good reason. Who wants to relearn something every few years? Especially when half the time it’s a downgrade. Push button is ok, but a key just feels right. Putting it in and turning it, feeling the engine turn over. It’s like Avatar when they link their tails, you’re one w the machine.
shareAnd what would horror movies do without the 'fumbling around for keys' and 'shit! the car wont start!' scenes?
shareMine is all computerised. A have a small fob, which does all the necessary stuff, but there’s a bigger one that’s about the size of a mobile phone - I haven’t figured out how it all works yet. I’m just waiting for a dull day, so I can sit in the car for a few hours and scroll through all the computer screens.
share2 out of 3 of my vehicles use keys. My 08 Accent and 88 Caravan both use regular keys, my Tesla is keyless. I don't really have a preference.
shareLol you have an 88 caravan? Holy shit my mom used to have one of those, sliding door?
shareIt was my parents and they gave it to me when I turned 16 in 1998. Over the years I've had almost everything replaced including the transmission and engine and it runs great. I could have sold it or traded it in but it runs great and my kid loves it. It's still our road trip vehicle.
share“drove a stolen car, now my car push start”
shareFrankly I wish vehicle keys should be discontinued, except for one to carry in your pocket for emergencies. Exterior access code buttons plus a push button start should be the new norm. This would solve the lost keys problem or the need for another chip key which is costly. I also believe car theft would be reduced.
shareAre you kidding?! I remember when we didn't have chipped keys! Biggest annoyance that came out of the late 2000s/early 2010s were those F-ing chipped keys! They cost a bundle to get copies, and often families strapped for cash (like mine) would be forced to either have one key for a car everyone used, or maybe 2-3 expensive chipped keys, and someone was always left high and dry without said key. Even worse, try asking for making key copies from parents who suddenly have amnesia about the request over and over again, because they put you at the bottom of their priority list.
And no, I do not like this new setup they have for cars using buttons. It's just asking for trouble in a crisis, depending on what emergency happened to the car.