"It's time."
Like a glove / It's in the bone
shareDave’s not here man.
Mostly lines from the Alien series, when I’m at my retail/customer service job.
“I wanna ask about the bonus situation.”
“Can I finish my coffee? It’s the only thing good on this ship.”
“I feel dead”
“What is the special order?”
“How do I get out of this chicken sh!t outfit?”
“Yeah man, it’s a dry heat.”
“Not bad... for a human.”
Also find myself quoting Samir from Office Space:
“Why does it say paper jam when there IS NO paper jam?”
"Help. Police. Murder" - Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
"I totally paused" - Clueless.
And various juvenile quotes from the Austin Powers films, particularly "I'll stay. I also like to live dangerously." My siblings and I use this one excessively, to the point where it's basically a family quote now.
"OK first things fu@king last."
(that's my go to) and also:
"let's not start suckin' each other's dicks just yet"