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Have you ever worked as a waiter or waitress?

I've never worked in a restaurant serving people.


No, really tough job. My first job was selling coats at JcPenney.


Yes, in my teens.


No, but I worked in fast food at Wendy's in the kitchen.


I'll have a baked potato


Sorry, but I ate all the potatoes. You can have a bun.


I'll have a bit of that funky chili.
Over the tater.


Did you wash your hand before you gave me my baked potato:)


Yes, I had a baby lick them clean. Babies are good at licking people's hands clean.


I prefer McDowell's
They have the Big Mick


Martyrs, all of them!


I worked as a bartender for several years. It wasn't a bad gig as my best years I made $50-60k and met a lot of interesting people.
I also met a lot of douchebags and had to feel confident enough to cut people off or sometimes even throw them out. I figured that would help me overcome my shyness and it did while I was working.
It also, unfortunately, made me drink too much.


I had an acquaintance who is an alcoholic and he got a job as a bartender. As you can imagine it didn't end well for him.


I can imagine that it didn't..
I started out a very moderate drinker that usually was designated driver. But you can get sucked into that world if you're not careful. It has it's own heartbeat.


Yes but lucky enough that I didn´t have to do it for very long. Also, Australia pays their servers much better than the USA does even back in 2002.


I worked as a server assistant for about a year in a restaurant. One server I knew was making six figures (of course working at multiple high-end restaurants). Some of them only work 30 hours a week too.

Of course the downside is that there’s no job security, as we can see now.


Yes, when I was at University I worked as a waiter at one of the busiest Lebanese restaurants in Sydney.

It was a truly awful job.
