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Stop people from eating or having sex with wild animals

So, we have AIDS, and it's not going away anytime soon.
We had SARS and bird flu.
Now this coronavirus shit.
All of it comes from eating or fucking wild animals that should not be eaten nor fucked.

Is it possible that 7 billion people have to suffer because of a few degenerate mofos that don't know proper outerspecies etiquette?
Why can't we find these assholes and seclude them so that they don't unleash these kind of plagues on us?


"proper outerspecies etiquette"

You can probably get a few grand in grant money to "research" that...



Probably already part of the "Covid Relief" bill.






What part of what I wrote is too difficult for you?


Actually, it's domestic animals that are the most likely to cause plague.

Influenza viruses can cross species, they can travel from humans to birds and back and mutate a bit in the process, becoming "bird flu" - same for pigs and "swine flu". The H1N1 virus that killed a lot of people a few years ago was a descendant of the same H1N1 virus that had caused the massive pandemic of 1918-1919 that killed something like fifty million people (actual numbers unknown), it changed and evolved the way viruses do and had become a swine flu. Now epidemiologists think that one reason that so many influenza and other pandemics come out of east Asia is that lots of people live in close proximity to domestic fowl and pigs, and the viruses are always crossing species.

So I'm all for protecting the wild animals and their habitat, but the biggest danger to humanity is still domestic animals raised for slaughter.


Ok true but there's a but or two:
1- handling and being in contact with domestic animals is necessary and unavoidable
2- they are more closely checked and any such occurance is usually blocked (see mad cow)
3- domestic animals conditions should also improve, enough already with intensive farming and barbarian handling (ALSO mandatory to avoid pandemics)
4- those animals like rats or pidgeons that might carry a human disease but are just parasiting on human dwellings are also caused in big numbers by humans, so, again, humans are the ones that should improve their own handling of the environment.

So, while all these facts about domestic animals are being looked into and regulated, wild animals are left with no rights, and this pandemic shows that they are not the only ones that will pay the price of human abuse.


As a vegetarian, I disagree that domestic animals are necessary! (Okay, maybe the ones that produce milk for cheeses are.)

But yes, Asia is the most common place on Earth for human-to-animal-to-human-etc. transmission of viruses, and that is about the only situation in which the Chinese government's well-known ruthlessness does anyone any good. There have been times when they've ordered mass destruction of domestic animals to prevent pandemics, like killing all the chickens in a whole province, and that's stopped pandemics before they started. Well, it didn't happen this time, but then, if anyone really knows where the virus came from they aren't telling the public.

So yes, better protections for wild animals would prevent transmission of novel viruses, but humans who live near wild animals just can't resist the lure of free protein.


I am not a vegetarian, I believe that animals raised well, protected, given a nice free roaming life by humans, can be totally legitimately killed when adults to be eaten. Both humans and farm animals are benefiting from that relationship.

I cannot tolerate any bigger exploitation of nature, like aggressive farming, fur coats, or destroying the forest to make burgers or rice. Especially when it's not benefiting anyone, other than a few greedy bastards.

The free protein for a few million greedy bastards are costing dearly to everybody else on the planet. I would pillage those bastards' proteins and feed them to the animals, it would be better for everybody, including those bastards that are better off that way.
Come on, if in 2020 you still have to prey on a bat or a pangolin to survive, it's time to get the fuck off of the planet.


The covid virus came from a Wuhan lab. The whole "wet market" story was a cover-up.



Even if that is true, the very fact that the wet market is a credible alibi means it should be stopped, so next time there won't be any alibi.


I can agree with that.



I don't agree with humans having sex with Animals but I don't think a man or woman fishing or hunting for food should be outlawed. Especially if he or she is hunting deer as there's an overpopulation of them. As a kid, my Grandpa and I went fishing quite often and he would keep the biggest fish we caught, fillet them, cook them, and eat them. I really don't think that's wrong.


Sorry, but it does not get more wrong than that.
If everyone did that, we would run out of fish and animals quickly. Which is exactly where we are now.
The oceans are running empty because of fishing.

Anything not grown by humans should be left alone, unless there are signs of overpopulation, like deer or boars or rats. But that is seldom the case with hunters or fishermen.
You know which species is vastly overpopulated and needs to be controlled?


I disagree. There is nothing wrong with killing animals for meat. I frankly think you've been brainwashed by movies like Bambi and Charlette's Web.


No, I just see the damage being done by humans on the planet.
Too many people, too many extinct animals.

Why do you find it wrong to kill people for meat then?


Amen, Gob! I belong to PETA: People Eating Tasty Animals!

