MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What is gonna take for people 50 and old...

What is gonna take for people 50 and older to take this seriously?

Who the fuck do they think they are? The arrogance, aloofness and general lack of concern or urgency in this crisis among the older generations is infuriating. The entire world is shutting down, why do they think they know better than all of the world’s health experts?


Entitled old people!


Arrogant fucks


Generalisations are part of the problem. Therefore you are the problem.


Eat shit


And die!





I've found that people over 50 are taking it much more seriously than people under 50.

They're afraid and the younger people are not.


In general I would agree, but I had to mail a letter today,(just dropped it in the mailbox), and I saw a couple of older people going inside the post office. We have a friend who is in his early 80's and he went to church last week - I just don't get that. I told him I was sure God would forgive him for not going to church, but if someone caught the virus from him they probably wouldn't.


In my area, a bunch of people are confirmed to have caught it at a church. Someone went on a cruise, then went to church, five other church-goers positive so far...

Apparently the odor of sanctity doesn't kill viruses after all.


Google it, it’s a national phenomenon a large majority of boomers are downplaying it


Just like the Gen Z's going on spring break?


I bet the director and most of the cast of The Irishman think this is nothing. Infuriating!


a high risk group.


Well, Tom Hanks got it and he's fine.


What is it gonna take for people to take this seriously?

There I fixed it for you


Mom pissed because you didn't clean the basement again?


Speak for yourself, junior. At this moment, there is NOTHING more serious. I'm 55, my mother is 77, and even though we are quite isolated compared to the vast majority of Americans we are isolating ourselves further. I think you'll find that people our age will lead the way in what needs to be done.


The vast majority of them don’t act concerned


From everything I read the biggest problem is younger people not taking it seriously. Partying, going to bars, even having Covid19 parties, FFS.

This isn't surprising because people who are young don't have a good grasp on their own mortality; to most of them it's only a vague abstract. While to the 50+ crowd it's a reality. Both groups act accordingly.

This is nothing new.


Honestly, for us there Isn't much cause for concern. But we still are worried. Our community, at least, seems to be reacting appropriately.
The only one you can control is yourself, so concentrate on that.


I have to say I'm very glad where I live now is on a 10 acre ranch with few neighbours. Heck, I've lived in this town for 20+ years and didn't know this area existed.

If this happened when I had to live in downtown in the nearby city, where everyone's so crowded together (that drove me nuts), I wouldn't be a very happy camper.

I'm glad you and your mom live in an area where you're already isolated. Probably lots of nature to go out in and rejuvenate.


It's gorgeous here ;)
We don't have 10 acres but we've got 3, sitting at the top of a small, tree-covered mountain. Very very quiet.
Don't ya love it? 😁


Once you survive hippies, nothing scares you.


Too bad the communist witch hunt didn't work out for you. But they're still working on it, I see.
