MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > If you need to self-quarantine...😷

If you need to self-quarantine...😷 do you think you'll stay occupied?

I love to read and always have a number of library books here, so I'll be fine unless the library closes. MC is always good for some interaction, and I like to read the news. I have plenty of DVDs too, so not a problem even if my internet goes down. I also have a list of chores that need doing around here, so I think I'll be fine.


Movies, movies and more movies


It'll just be business as usual around here.


Sigh, I was a lifelong big reader until I got PTSD. I miss curling up with a good book. I do have a few here, and managed to read one of them, so maybe?

I have a lot of movies and some of my favourite shows on the drive of my dead computer. Haven't taken them in to have someone transfer all my files from dead-o computer (hard drive is fine tho) to the new one. Need to do that, just in case internet access goes down. Having a lot of DVDs to watch as backup is a great idea.

I bought a set of paints, some nice brush sets, and several sketch pads a while back, so I could easily occupy myself with painting.

I've also got a backlog of lots and lots of paperwork that's accumulated since I've become a nomad, and want to start in on sorting, shredding, and filing them.

There are some nice places I can go for a walk or hike with my dog where there are few people, so that's an option too.

We'll all be fine :)


Housework, mending, cooking, calling everyone I know and never getting off the phone, online jigsaw puzzles, and wasting hours and hours on inaturalist.

If I cant go out and birdwatch, at least I can identify the species of birds and things in other people's photos.

reply jigsaw puzzles...

holy cow, is this a thing? i don't know why, but it never occurred to me to look for jigsaw puzzles online. i was just thinking the other day i should have picked up some new puzzles to while away some time.


Why yes, online jigsaw puzzles are a thing! Most of the jigsaw puzzle sites offer tons of pictures and allow you to upload your own pictures. is a biggie, but this is my favorite site:

But yeah, if I'm quarantined, and the odds are good considering that my job puts me at some risk, there's always identifying butterfly species on inaturalist.


Oh, yes! Fun to do on my iPad 1O.5 Pro. So many are free with some packs starting at $.99 upwards.


I am not able to read fiction, I have tried it but just can't do it. Except for comic books.

Probably netflix, non fiction books about journalism and preacher, hellblazer and transmetropolitan.


You may like The Invisibles, Uber and anything by Alan Moore.


Ah thx.


I've built up a fair collection over the last 40 years. I have all the Preacher, Hellblazer & Transmetropolitan TPs, so tried to think of other collections that were in the same vein. The Red Star is good too.


Cool, I am also reading the punisher.

Do you have a big film collection as well?


The Punisher has had some great runs. With anything, it's all down to the creative team at the time.

As for films, I used to, but I got rid of several thousand VHS tapes along with quite a few DVDs (I kept my Jackie Chan collection, plus a few favs), as it was just sat there collecting dust and there was always something available for me to watch on Sky/Netflix etc.


I occasionally pick up movies at the library. Currently I'm watching season 3 of Victoria and when I went to return it there was a notice on the door to not return anything at this time - late fees are being waived. Not sure what that is all about as the library is still open. Perhaps it's because the case is a hard surface and they figure germs might be on it.?????


i'm definitely quarantining myself for a good length of time. i work in a homeless shelter - in finance, not in the shelter, but we're all in the same building - so i'm cutting myself off from my mom & the rest of the world.

i had hoped to use some of this time to train for the 1/2 marathon i'm still hoping to run this summer, but i have a miserably sore knee that i've been resting for a week. it's better, but definitely not 100%. we'll see what it's like after another week, but i'm afraid i might just be a little too old & frail to be running the 1/2 at this point in my life.

i just finished ian mcewan's nutshell yesterday, and absolutely loved it. it is definitely the best modern day retelling of hamlet narrated by an unborn baby i've ever read.

for the rest of the week, i have:

brian caplan's newish book 'open borders' & yuval levin's 'a time to build.'

they've shut our library down, so i won't be able to pick up any books from there in the immediate future, but i have a pile of things sitting around here i've been planning to get to: sam harris's the moral landscape and frans de waal's chimpanzee politics are the top two.

and if i still have quarantine time after that, i have a pile of pk dick novel's i've been planning on revisiting.

as for movies - i just watch whatever trash i stumble over. but i might finally watch the godfather films. i have no desire to see them - i have zero interest in crime/mafia films - but they're two of the bigger classic films i've never seen, & both are on netflix.


I suppose it would have a lot to do with how I felt.
If it just ends up feeling like a vacation and I'm none the worse for wear then the skies the limit. I have endless ways to amuse myself and numerous ways to do it..
.. Lots to do around here and a multitude of choices and ways to read, watch films or tv shows and read or play games. I doubt I'd be gardening, riding my bike or refinishing or re-purposing furniture if I'm feeling puny.

I'm much more worried about quarantining myself away from my husband (with kidney disease) and my older mother-in-law. They have compromised immune systems. We have a big house but I've been thinking I should probably go to a motel if I get sick..
