MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Societies double standards for men/women...

Societies double standards for men/women showing flesh (dress standards) revealed

Do you ever think it strange how men wear suits to fancy events but women can show a lot of skin like backless dresses, cleavage, tight body fitting etc?

Or that woman can wear thongs to the beach showing butt cheeks but many would be repulsed by a man wearing a speedo despite it covering more?

Here's my theory.

Men are meant to get their worth from showing strength (so muscles on display at a beach is fine) and women are meant to get their worth by being attractive to men (so tight fitting or revealing clothing that has power over men.)

Does this make sense?

A man is not meant to be sexual unless it is in a dominating way (like a six pack and big arms) and a woman is meant to have power by being able to seduce men.


But men are still allowed to be topless in Western society while women are usually prohibited from doing so.


That is a double standard, but it is a double standard because it is considered a highly 'private' and 'sexual' part on a woman.

With that said, it is legal in many places to be topless and women won't do it. In the state of New York, it is completely legal to walk down the street topless as a woman. How often do you see it? You don't. The law is not the thing prohibiting women from doing so. What is prohibiting women is the knowledge that their breasts are meant to be utilised in a sexual way to have power over men and if they are not attractive it is something they will feel ashamed of.


Given the variety of attire people wear to fancy events nowadays, not really. Also, I think people's reactions to beach wear has much more to do with the attractiveness of the wearer, not their gender - but the body positivity movement has improved that a lot.

Here's my theory. A lot of double standards and the binary thinking surrounding them is taught to us, not naturally intended. The fact that both men and women can go topless, but only women choose not to, imo, is proof of that, since it shows us how ingrained it is in women to think of themselves as sexual objects even though they may not be sexually attracted to women.

However, the fact is that this kind of thinking is changing and you can see that at these events you mentioned. You see men in dresses/skirts and showing 'cleavage' and in tight clothing. You see women in suits showing almost no skin. No one is meant to get their worth from how people read their visual appearance - whether they are conveying strength or sexiness - at least, not a majority of it. But anyone can dress however they want.


Women's clothing is almost entirely intended to show off the body.

If you ever want to hear a heated rant that goes on for hours, ask a woman who doesn't want to show off her body what she thinks of the current fashion scene.


Tight clothes aren't always the best option.


No they aren't. I cruise frequently and so see all types of bodies at beaches and by the pools on the ship. Believe me, there are things women show that should never be seen except by their spouse or sig other. I think heavy women can look attractive if they dress nicely, but if you are out of shape or have sagging flesh - please cover it up!


yeh i think so, theres nothing wrong with having class, maybe some people struggle to afford clothes that suit their figure or can't figure it out


The thing is, whenever a school or business or whatever puts a dress code in place, even if it's about the same for men and women, it's women who get outraged about not being able to dress that way.


Men are meant to get their worth from showing strength (so muscles on display at a beach is fine) and women are meant to get their worth by being attractive to men (so tight fitting or revealing clothing that has power over men.)
Does this make sense?

Nope .

Both men and women get their worth by being attractive to the other sex. Actually, they're attractive because they have a high sexual market value. If you're "attractive", no matter you're a man or a woman, that's what means. "Worth" in the sexual market and "attractiveness" are very much synonyms.

Sexual market value in women is often linked to fertility. Women that look like more fertile (young) and good mothers are considered more attractive to men.

Sexual market value in men is often linked to their ability to provide. Men that look safer providers (because of their status, aggressiveness, or similar) are considered more attractive to women.


Your setup, men wearing suits to fancy parties, and your theory, men dominating with six pack and big arms, seem utterly unrelated.


It depends on the moment in the period. Fertile days, women use to be attracted to good gene indicators (six pack, big arms, and so), while less fertile days during the period, they are more likely to be attracted to safe economical providers.


Not sure what you mean "fertile days" -- to me the phrase implies the days of the month a woman is ovulating, but I'm guessing you mean something like "in agrarian times" or something like that. (Not that I agree with your theory, just that I'm trying to understand what you're saying.)


I'm guessing you mean something like "in agrarian times" or something like that

I mean now.


Oh I see. What about the "women use to be attracted to" -- what does that mean?


"women use to be attracted to" means "women use to be attracted to". You're welcome :-)


So... women don't have fertile days in their periods any more? I'm confused.



That site does nothing to convince me you are using "use to" in any way I am familiar with the meaning of.


I quote your doubt:

women don't have fertile days in their periods any more? I'm confused.

As you can see in the link I posted for you, women do have fertile days in their periods: "the most fertile days are the three days leading up to and including ovulation. Having sex during this time gives you the best chance of getting pregnant." You're welcome :-)

Any more doubts?


I think we're only seeing each other's every other post or something. There's obviously too wide a chasm to bridge between us with words, alas.


I answered the doubt you posted before, since you admitted you're confused in this topic. When you asked whether a woman had fertile days in her period, as I said, she does, and it's during that days she can get pregnant.

You can find more information about period and menstruation in internet.

Any other doubt beyond fertility during menstruation?


I'm full of doubts.


Well... I've never met a woman who didn't appreciate a Man, matter how he expresses masculinity.
The majority of women dress to impress and men have something to do with it, but in my experience, they are competing with other women.


Yes, IMHO well-dressed straight women dress both to attract men, and to compete with other women. Impressing other women is important to them not just out of competitiveness, but because only other women and some gay men appreciate the artistry and details that goes into dressing superbly.

A woman may look at another woman and think "Gosh, her dress is the height of chic and makes her legs look much longer than they are, that hairstyle is perfect for her hair type, if that lipstick were any reder it'd be clownish but she knew when to stop... ", etc. A straight man looks at a woman like that and thinks "She's hot".


No doubt lol!
