I've been falling down the rabbit hole of YouTube this week ever since a YouTuber I facetiously call "Dr. Autism" was recommended in my news feed. Dr. Autism, who is not a medical professional, has a channel teaching socially awkward, emo kids and adults that they could be autistic for the smallest reasons.
When I clicked on the video, another autism video appeared in the sidebar from a Mrs. Autism, who self-identifies as a "demisexual" and theorizes whether there's a link between that and autism. Now keep in mind, dear readers, that a "demisexual" is a normal, healthy, functional human being who sees sex as an emotional experience and therefore doesn't have sexual feelings for people unless they have a strong connection to them. But apparently, Mrs. Autism thinks this makes you abnormal. Not only are you on on the "asexuality" spectrum, there's a link to autism.
All joking aside, I think the CEO of YouTube should be arrested and jailed. This stuff is being consumed by thousands of teens who are just going through the normal ups and downs of adolescence. How on earth are they going to make it into their adult years being indoctrinated with this stuff?
When I was a kid, comics used to mockingly say that phrase, "It's the end of Western civilization as we know it!" to make fun of alarmists at the time. But I wonder how the people who said that 30, 40 years ago feel today. Are they realizing how wrong they were? Hmmm...
Fifty years ago people still thought everything in the West was pretty much okay. But the two world wars left England reeling and the subsequent huge mistake of embracing multi-culturalism and then globalization was the equivalent of a signing a death warrant. Added to that was women encouraged by business and governments to enter the workforce in large numbers which led to the end of the home as a distinct and necessary counterpoint to the outside world. And then the following gender confusion and role disruption nailed the lid on the coffin.
We are just around the corner from being gender neutral! We will all be deemed as its...just as lower animals are referenced.
For the last 50 years we have had latch-key kids. Going home to an empty home without supervision and guidance. As a result more troubled families, more divorces leading to broken homes. All the so-called goodies our government has bestowed upon us has cost us dearly.
Women were encouraged to apply for jobs which were always held by men...and for good reason. How does a female firefighter rescue a 250 man or woman? The victim shouldn’t have to be dragged, bumpity bump, bumpity bump down stairs. Physical strength should be required in order to hoist the victim over the shoulder as prior first responders did.
Hmm, I think anyone can dig up enough crazy shit on the internet to support whatever point they wish to make.
This all seems like hokey nonsense that I never would have seen had you not brought it to my attention. Does that give you a significant hand in spreading stuff like this? Maybe it does, maybe it does.
I have four nieces and nephews who are all tech savvy and not one of them have been "indoctrinated" by any of the more out-there YouTube "experts". They are all healthy, normal kids who would prefer to ride their dirt bikes rather than take any notice of this balderdash.
I think to use this as an example of the "fall of civilization" is overstating its influence or importance quite dramatically.
I see these YT'ers claiming autism and/or social anxiety and they are vlogging and seem fairly well adjusted socially, have a large number of friends, date fairly regularly or have wives, go to big events and seem to have no trouble socializing with people, often complete strangers, and are generally somewhat if not very social.
I just have to laugh. Feeling awkward around people a lot of the time does not make you autistic, for fucks sake. I hear about people self diagnosing as autistic in the real world as well and they are a lot like what I described (just don't vlog on YT about it). This kind of stuff is having an effect and its not a positive one.
I think some of these people might be trolls or clickbaiters chasing YT money. It just seems as though anyone can go on there and claim to be "struggling" with autism or asperger's.
They are doing this for everything now. Things like being overweight or having a drug addiction for example are now considered a "disease". I know there are all sorts of factors that can lead to people becoming overweight or using drugs, but a disease?
How do you liken someone getting cancer to someone choosing to do drugs that are extremely addictive?
Same with depression. They make it sound like everyone has a mental illness. If someone is getting depressed for no good reason than perhaps there is a more serious issue. But what if they have reasons for their depression or for that matter, what if they just aren't happy for good reasons?
Do we have to be happy all the time?
They love to make everyone feel like there is something seriously wrong with them when there isn't.
It seems as if psychology has been weaponized. Psychology used to be about helping to diagnose people with legitimate problems. Now it's about using these same diagnostic labels to convince perfectly happy, ordinary people experiencing the vicissitudes of life that they're broken. I think it's easier to just write off someone as depressed, autistic, aspie, etc. than to console them about a problem they're going through or to learn how to be comfortable around people who are eccentric, quirky or shy.
Case in point: I don't hear people talk about life in human terms anymore. For example, one day in art class, a model started crying in the middle of a pose. People asked her what was wrong and she said she had just broken up with her boyfriend. The students were very compassionate and heard her out. Today, she'd be call aspie/autistic for having the audacity to cry in class.
I agree. I think a lot of things have been weaponized like sexuality and gender. It's all about creating division now one way or the other.
Also society has become very hypocritical. On the one hand they encourage people to express their feelings yet when they do they are labelled as "depressed, emotional, has issues" etc and ordered off to counselling. I work in a high stress field where we deal with a lot of emergency and crisis situations for the company. Staff are put under a lot of pressure than told during reviews they aren't cutting it. So what happens, the staff member gets upset and goes into despair because their livelihood is at threat. Said staff member must be having issues!!
That is the lighter end of it we get way worse. But the point is it really does appear that the end game is to drive everyone insane or simply label them such. Meanwhile the actual insane people get to walk around and abuse and traumatize people and that is just fine because they have a different set of issues.
Well said. And I seem to notice every second ad on TV begins with a few words about "Enjoying life", and "Mixing with others", and "Doing new things", etc. Then at the end of the ad, the title "Mental Health Awareness Week" or some such rubbish appears on the screen, and we realise that the seemingly-normal folk depicted in the ad, (who represent us), are actually mentally ill in one way or another.
We're continually being bombarded with subtle insinuations that everyone is a sufferer of some form of mental illness, and one wonders why this is...
In Australia we have "R U OK" day, this is a day where we are meant to ask each other if we are ok. It reminds me of Christmas time where all of a sudden we care about our fellow man after ignoring and/or abusing them for the year.
I don't want to mix with others. It makes me feel depressed and alone, I am introverted. I "recharge" when I am alone. People drain me. It doesn't mean they are bad people or there is something wrong with me, social situations just drain me. So if I were to be hyper sensitive I would see those ads depicting social situations and I would think "wow, I am a deeply flawed human being".
On a related note, humour, particularly the harsher, dry/sarcastic type of humour that men tend to display is now Non PC. Humour is a coping mechanism, "If this keeps happening, I'll kill myself" or "I would rather swallow acid then come to work today" it doesn't mean people are going to do those things or even want to. It's just humour, blowing off steam.
You can't say those things now because they will throw you in a padded cell. Again, they talk about mental health but then they stop people from venting and coping.
"R U OK" Day?? That sounds like an accident waiting to happen. I wonder what genius thought of that.
I empathise with your preference for solitude, and I understand how it recharges you. The same goes for me. People do drain one, and people who go about trying to be amateur Saints are the most draining. There seems to be an awful lot of that sort of thing today.
I couldn't agree more with your comments on humour. Droll, dry humour with an edge of toughness is definitely frowned upon today. Its absence may be a factor in the rise of pointless violence that some young men engage in. The unprovoked punch and the casual petty crime are probably "outlets", as the "Shrinks" call it, for aggression that hasn't been released by rough jokes or banter.
Yeah it's bullshit. "R U OK?" yeah sure, I'm fine, fuck off. And what if I'm not OK? What are they going to do about it? Are they going to treat me like a human being or just write me up as a problem case? Probably the latter.
Males are "aggressive" but that aggression can be channeled productively. At the moment they try and restrain it, shame it even. The "Toxic Male" bullshit we see. It has to come out one way or another so instead of them playing aggressive music, making rude jokes, building a car or learning boxing they do drugs, fight in the streets etc.
Oddly enough when you see the males (and many females) of the PC activist groups they are some of the most violent around but it is seemingly ok for them to be like that because they think they are fighting for some righteous cause.
"And what if I'm not OK? What are they going to do about it?"
Exactly. And more to the point, who is likely to actually answer the question, anyway? Most men won't. And not all women will, either. It's just asking to be rebuked, or at least flatly ignored. And what do the amateur shrinks do in that case? I'd imagine it would trigger a depressive episode of their own.
In fact, that may be the covert reason for their asking in the first place. I've found that do-gooders very often have an ulterior self-serving motive for their "altruism".
Society dehumanizes men. There is nothing that threatens society more than a man who is showing signs of weakness. Society can't cope with the concept of it. When a man does try and voice his concerns or opinions he is quickly shut down - "Oh man up!!" or "Stop being a wuss!", "You're just being weak, stop talking about these things!!"
At the moment in the thread about consensual sex with women on this site I am being accused of being a rapist all because I questioned the concept of consent not being enough the Feminazi's want "Enthusiastic consent" what does that even mean?
Imagine you cry out for help and no one comes to your aid and then people turn around and say "yeah I mean he called out for help, but he didn't sound very enthusiastic about it so we ignored him". It is stupid and open to much interpretation.
My point being that as you say the do gooders create more problems than they fix. Sometimes they persecute people when there is no reason to do so.
You can't question anything anymore. Objectivity is lost.
I actually had an Asian young woman ask me in a supermarket "Are you okay?" I replied "Yes, I'm just waiting for you to move on." And she rolled her eyes and walked off. I had no idea it was a "new thing". I never watch free-to-air television. I guess this is the sort of thing to expect if you are old and decrepit...
lol maybe she thought you looked upset? I don't know, I have one of those faces that rarely smiles and as I don't engage in small talk (ie shit talk) a lot of people assume I am unhappy when I'm not.
Or perhaps she was trying to flirt with you.
Any way, who cares, you sound like you prefer to just be left alone as well.
It's a form of gaslighting, IMO. Sociopaths and the mentally unbalanced have rewritten the rules so that people who are reacting normally to their abusive behavior can be portrayed as sick, crazy, etc. but themselves as the cool and rational ones.
For example, I've seen and experienced some really sickening vindictive crap in which people were willing to cause some major grief over a petty slight that most people would shrug off. Naturally, if a person is the victim of a smear campaign that could lose friends, a beloved spouse, property, custody of children, job, a golden opportunity of a lifetime, etc., he or she is going to be upset. Back in the day, it would've been understood why they were so angry or upset, but nowadays the reaction is often played off as, "Haha, wow, what is the big deal, haha? Look at how hysterical that person is being, hahaha. Wow! What a nut! Get on your meds! It's not that serious." Meanwhile, it is that serious because the person might be losing a job with only $10 to his name or is being sabotaged in the middle of a strained marriage on the verge of healing.
A real life example of what I mean happened in NYC a few years ago. A crazy cat lady who was hoarding and dumping cats in a public park tried claiming one when two volunteers rescued it and sent it to a vet. The vet refused to hand it back. The crazy cat lady contacted an "activist group" on Facebook, who cyber stalked the vet, picketed her practice, took her photos and wrote defamatory captions, then when that wasn't enough, wrote fake one star reviews all over the internet, destroying her business. When the vet killed herself, the FB group celebrated her death and then demonized her as mentally ill.
"A real life example of what I mean happened in NYC a few years ago. A crazy cat lady who was hoarding and dumping cats in a public park tried claiming one when two volunteers rescued it and sent it to a vet. The vet refused to hand it back. The crazy cat lady contacted an "activist group" on Facebook, who cyber stalked the vet, picketed her practice, took her photos and wrote defamatory captions, then when that wasn't enough, wrote fake one star reviews all over the internet, destroying her business. When the vet killed herself, the FB group celebrated her death and then demonized her as mentally ill."
When I first saw that story, I thought, "Oh, that's sensationalized bullshit." But then people in the comments section posted a link to the Facebook group that was responsible, and all the members were openly celebrating her passing and repeating the same slander that had caused the vet's business to crash and commit suicide.
Later, it turned out that the manager of the group is a nutjob who started an "activist page" against "evil vets", because an "evil vet" had killed her dying 19-20 year old cat by failing to give it the proper medical treatment. Keep in mind that the average lifespan is 18 years old, so the cat had outlived most by at least two years. But the manager of the FB group was convinced that her cat would've lived another 10 years were it not for gross medical incompetence by an "evil vet" so has now been going on crusades singling out anyone to destroy. The vet from NYC, who killed herself, was one of her targets.
It's difficult to pinpoint the exact thing that's lacking in society, that creates the circumstance for that sort of insanity to occur. There have been times in society's history when mass hysteria was a common and frequent phenomenon, so it's not so very surprising that it can still happen.
But surely, in an allegedly enlightened, modern world.....!
The company I work for calls it "resilience" to me that translates to "We are going to treat you like shit and if you don't take it or fight back, we will brand you weak".
Same thing happens on forums a lot too. You tend to get a clique of members who think the site belongs to them and they will often gang up on members they don't like. The Mods and Admin are often part of that clique or supportive of it and so good members are hounded off just because a select group aren't happy with what that member has written.
Everything has a consequence though and soon those members start fighting among themselves and many of the non clique members stop posting. Soon the forum dies altogether.
In regards to the cat lady incident, it seems another case of group mentality and disease where everyone gets excited and sees an opportunity to vent their anger with some kind of validation. Society is sick.
Now keep in mind, dear readers, that a "demisexual" is a normal, healthy, functional human being who sees sex as an emotional experience and therefore doesn't have sexual feelings for people unless they have a strong connection to them. But apparently, Mrs. Autism thinks this makes you abnormal.
Indeed, if you're a man, it does.
Most men don't need to have any strong emotional connection to have sexual feelings.
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